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Applicants Sought for the Landmarks Preservation Commission

Applicants Sought for the Landmarks Preservation Commission

January 12, 2024

Reuben McKnight, Staff Liaison,
rmcknigh@cityoftacoma.org, (253) 591-5220

Applicants Sought for the Landmarks Preservation Commission

The City Council is looking for qualified applicants, who are residents of Tacoma, to fill the following positions on the Landmarks Preservation Commission:

  • Architect (Two Positions): Open to an individual who is currently or has in the past been a professionally certified architect.
  • At-Large (One Position): Open to an individual with a demonstrated interest in historic preservation who is a resident of Tacoma.
  • Non-voting Wedge Neighborhood Ex Officio (One Position): Open to a resident, property owner, or business owner within Tacoma's Wedge Neighborhood Historic District. 

The Commission oversees the establishment and regulation of landmarks, local historic districts, proposed name changes for public facilities, and certain property tax incentives. Non-voting ex officio members may be appointed to four-year terms to represent residents, property owners, and business owners within Tacoma's historic districts.


The City is committed to creating an equitable and anti-racist organization and wants its Committees, Boards, and Commissions to reflect Tacoma’s diverse community. For these vacancies, BIPOC individuals, LGBTQ individuals, individuals with disabilities, seniors, immigrants, and refugees are especially encouraged to apply. 


Additional information on the Landmarks Preservation Commission is available here.


The appointed applicant is required to complete five Open Public Meetings Act and Public Records Act trainings provided by the Washington State Office of the Attorney General, within 90 days of being appointed to a Committee, Board, or Commission.


Applications must be submitted to the City Clerk’s Office by February 15, 2024 at cityoftacoma.org/cbcapplication. Questions about the application process, requests for the application in an alternate format, or requests to submit additional documents may be directed
to Elizabeth Wing in the City Clerk’s Office at
servetacoma@cityoftacoma.org or (253) 591-5178.

