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Town Hall With District 4 Council Member Sandesh Sadalge on December 18

Town Hall With District 4 Council Member Sandesh Sadalge on December 18


December 11, 2024 



Maria Lee, Media & Communications, maria.lee@cityoftacoma.org, (253) 591-2054 


Town Hall With District 4 Council Member Sandesh Sadalge on December 18

TACOMA, Wash. – District 4 Council Member Sandesh Sadalge will host a town hall on December 18, 2024, from 6 to 7:30 PM, at the VFW 969 Hall (3510 McKinley Ave. in Tacoma). The event will be an opportunity for District 4 residents and businesses to connect with Council Member Sadalge, reflect on his first five months in office, and contribute to the district's future. 
"Your voice matters," said Council Member Sadalge. "Together, we can build a stronger District 4. I'm eager to hear your ideas and priorities for the year ahead, as that will inform the work that I do as your Council Member." 
Community members are encouraged to register in advance for the event. 
Refreshments and activities for children will be provided at no cost to event attendees. 
The City strives to host inclusive, accessible events that enable all individuals, including individuals with disabilities, to engage fully.  
Community members who need specific accommodations, or who have questions about the event, can contact Senior Council Policy Analyst Lynda Foster at lynda.foster@cityoftacoma.org or (253) 591-5166.  


