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Transportation Master Plan

Transportation and Mobility Plan (formerly the Transportation Master Plan)


Transportation and the Comprehensive Plan

The One Tacoma Comprehensive Plan provides the policy framework that guides the City’s long-term vision, growth, and development over the next 25 years. As part of the Washington State Growth Management Act (GMA), counties, cities, and towns are required to update their Comprehensive Plans every ten years to ensure alignment with state and regional policies. Tacoma's state-mandated Comprehensive Plan update is currently underway.


The One Tacoma Comprehensive Plan consists of multiple chapters—also called elements—each outlining goals and policies on topics such as housing, parks and recreation, economic development, land use, and transportation. In Tacoma, the Transportation Element of the One Tacoma Comprehensive Plan also serves as the City's Transportation and Mobility Plan (TMP).


One of the key mandates of the update is accommodating expected future growth in Tacoma including growth expected under Home in Tacoma. Between now and 2050, Tacoma is expected to gain 137,000 residents and 94,000 jobs according to the Puget Sound Regional Council (PSRC). Other areas of focus for the update are to:

  • Strengthen goals, policies, and project prioritization to ensure that safety, equity, sustainability, and public health are prioritized
  • Develop multimodal level of service standards
  • Collaborate with Pierce Transit and Sound Transit to identify the transit priority corridors and plan for the needed access improvements and land use to support transit
  • Update the five modal elements and create two new functional elements related to curb management and public streets/people spaces

DRAFT 2025 Transportation and Mobility Plan Available for Public Comment!

How to submit public comment

Public comment can be provided by email, mail, and/or at the Planning Commission public hearing. Comments must be submitted by Friday, March 7, 2025.

  • By email: planning@cityoftacoma.org
  • By mail: City of Tacoma Planning Commission, 747 Market Street, Room 345 Tacoma, WA 98402
  • Public hearing: Wednesday, March 5, 2025 at 6:00 PM, City Council Chambers

To learn more about the One Tacoma Comprehensive Plan Update, including information about upcoming public events and Planning Commission meetings, please visit: cityoftacoma.org/onetacomaupdate

Transportation Commission Meetings 

The Transportation Commission is the oversight body for the TMP and, as such, will be providing guidance and feedback throughout the update process. The Transportation Commission meets the third Wednesday of the month at 5:30 PM. The meetings are hybrid (Zoom and Room 243), and public comment is taken at the beginning and end of the meeting. Email written comments to cwilhelme@cityoftacoma.org and include "Transp Commission Meeting Comment" in the subject line.


For questions about the Transportation and Mobility Plan update, please contact Carrie Wilhelme, Principal Transportation Planner, at cwilhelme@cityoftacoma.org.


Current 2015 Transportation Master Plan Vision Statement

Tacoma is a sustainable community with many drivers, residents, businesses, and visitors who have various transportation priorities. The City is strategic in how it plans its transportation system with an emphasis on carrying the people and goods that foster Tacoma's culture, character, and competitiveness. The transportation system offers multimodal travel options that provide safe access for all users and neighborhoods that encourage healthy living and protect the environment.

2015 Transportation Master Plan Document 

2015 TMP Modal Maps 

2018 Amendments to the Transportation Master Plan (adopted June 26, 2018 Ordinance 24686)
