21.8 A800 - Signage

Stormwater facility signs shall provide a brief description of the stormwater facility and provide contact information for facility maintenance needs.

Place sign for maximum visibility. Consideration shall be given for the use of the property when determining appropriate materials and location for signage.

The City of Tacoma has a template that can be used for both public and provide stormwater facilities - www.cityoftacoma.org/stormwatermanual. Public stormwater facility signs shall utilize the template.

See https://www.tacomapermits.org/tip-sheet-index/sign-permits for additional permitting information about signs. Signs associated with stormwater facilities should generally be exempt from any permit requirements.

Figure 4 - 74: Stormwater Facility Sign example below provides an example of a sign.

Figure 4-74 Stormwater Facility Sign

Figure 4 - 74: Stormwater Facility Sign