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Animal Control & Pet Licensing

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Tacoma Pet License Application (Mail In)
Fircrest Pet License Application (Mail In)

New pets receive a permanent tag within seven business days of licensing. 

Benefits of Pet Licensing

A license is your pet's ticket home should he or she become lost. Tens of thousands of pets pour into the Tacoma and Pierce County Humane Society every year. Sadly, very few of these animals have identification.

When a lost animal is found with current identification, our Animal Care and Control Officers can give the pet a ride home or quickly notify the pets owners that it is safe at the shelter. License fees pay for many worthwhile services, such as:

  • Keeping stray animals off the streets and out of danger.
  • Transporting injured animals to veterinarians for medical help.
  • Investigating cases of animal cruelty and abuse and seeing to a pet's general welfare.
  • Protecting your family from the threat of rabies and animal bites.

Your pet's license helps us provide better service to you, your family, and your neighborhood. Don't delay, purchase a license for your pet now!

Pet Licensing Requirement

If you live in the City of Tacoma or Fircrest, you are required by law to license dogs and cats over the age of eight weeks. New residents are required to obtain a pet license within 30 days of moving into the city. Licenses are valid for one year and requires annual renewal. 


Pet License Tags

License tags must be worn by dogs at all times.  If your cat has a microchip, you are still required to purchase the license, however, your cat can go without its tag.  Keep in mind, that even indoor-only pets confined to fenced yards can get loose.  If you lost your pet's tag, contact us to receive a replacement tag.  


Service Animals

A pet owner with a disability is not required to pay a license fee if their service dog is specially trained and principally used for the purpose of assisting with their disability. However, the pet owner is required to keep their dog licensed by providing annual notification of the pet’s active service status. Pet owners must comply with all pet regulations. 


The work or tasks performed by the service dog must be directly related to the individual's disability. Examples of work or tasks include, but are not limited to, assisting individuals who are blind or have low vision with navigation and other tasks, alerting individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing to the presence of people or sounds, or assisting an individual during a seizure. 

Emotional support, well-being, comfort, or companionship do not qualify as work or tasks per RCW 49.60.040

Please note: Our office does not offer training or service dog certification. 


What to do if I found a lost pet?

If you find a dog or cat with a City of Tacoma tag, please contact Animal Licensing at (253) 627-PETS (7387) for pet owner information.  If there is no tag, typically walking the pet around the neighborhood can easily reunite the pet to its owner.  For more tips on reuniting pets with their owners, refer to the resources below. 


Humane Society Resource for Lost Pets

Humane Society Resource for Loose Cat


If you have found a stray animal and cannot locate the owner, the Tacoma & Pierce County Humane Society located at, 2608 Center St., will accept the animal.  Please call 253-383-2733 or visit thehumansociety.org for information and to set an appointment. The Humane Society uses an appointment-based system to turn in lost pets. This allows the shelter to plan for incoming animals and ensure all of the animal’s needs are met. 



Call Animal Licensing at 253-627 (7387)

Contact Us



(253) 627-PETS

(253) 627-7387

Monday – Friday

9 AM – 4 PM 




Office Visit

Schedule an in-person appointment

Mon-Wed, 8 AM5 PM


Tacoma License Fees
Fircrest License Fees

Title 17
Animal Control

RCW Title 16
Animals and Livestock
