Wapato Lake Drive and Asotin Court
Constructed June 2012 to December 2013

Project Description
The Wapato Pervious Streets Project was constructed to reduce the quantity of stormwater discharged in the Flett Watershed. This project also aims to reduce the contaminant loading into Wapato Lake, which has been identified as an impaired water body.
This project entailed reconstructing South Wapato Lake Drive and Asotin Court located off of South Alaska Street. Green infrastructure was utilized to provide water quality treatment and flow control by allowing the infiltration of storm runoff from South Wapato Lake Drive, Asotin Court and contributing residential properties. This was accomplished through porous asphalt, a reservoir base course, and a sand treatment layer over existing native soils.

Project Accomplishments
This project replaced nearly two thousand feet of failed roadway that continually discharged sediment laden water directly into Wapato Lake.
Aging sanitary sewer and water lines located underneath the roadway where replaced through utility partnerships.
The porous asphalt roadway both treats and infiltrates nearly all 10 acres of contributing area.
Sidewalks were constructed on both sides of the street and were complimented with over 85 native street trees.
This sustainable project was designed and constructed utilizing Greenroads. Wapato Lake Drive was Silver Certified and Asotin Court was Bronze Certified.
The Next Steps for Continued Success
Continued education with the residents along the project will be ongoing, as the project’s visibility reminds residents what impact they have on the stormwater, and gives them a vested interest in protecting stormwater and Wapato Lake.

This project will be monitored in three target areas:
Lessons Learned
Department of Ecology Grant |
$691,182 |
Environmental Services Surface Water |
$775,818 |
Environmental Services Wastewater |
$282,000 |
Tacoma Water |
$235,000 |
Total |
$1,420,000 |