Student Government Day Scheduled for October 29, 2024

The Student Government Day program provides high school students who live in Tacoma or attend Tacoma Public Schools with an opportunity to learn more about the policy-making processes and operations of municipal government. As an attendee you will:
- Meet with the Mayor, City Council Members, city executives, and staff to talk about important issues
- Learn about the services provided by city government
Play the role of the Mayor, Council Members or city staff members in a Mock City Council Meeting
Learn about emerging, important issues for the City of Tacoma
- Gain firsthand knowledge of how the City provides core services to the community
- Learn how these services or issues impact you now and, in the future
Who Can Attend
Students Grades 9-12 who live in Tacoma or attend Tacoma Public Schools
Download the Student Government Day Flyer
Apply by October 11, 2024, to Participate
Applications are now being accepted for Student Government Day 2024. Up to 70 students will be selected to participate each year. In line with our Equity & Empowerment Framework, student nominations will be representative of different genders, ethnicities, high schools, council districts, and life experiences. The deadline to apply is now October 11, 2024. Students will be notified if they are selected to participate by October 22, 2024.
TPS Students Apply Now for Student Government Day
Click HERE for residents of Tacoma who attend non-TPS schools.
Permission Slip Requirement
A Tacoma Public School Student Government Day Permission Slip and Media Release are required to participate and will be sent directly to students from TPS after they have applied.