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Student Government Day

Student Government Day Scheduled for November 28, 2023

Students participating in Student Government Day

The Student Government Day program provides high school students who live in Tacoma or attend Tacoma Public Schools with an opportunity to learn more about the policy-making processes and operations of municipal government.  As an attendee you will:

  • Meet with the Mayor, City Council Members, city executives, and staff to talk about important issues
  • Learn about the services provided by city government
  • Play the role of the Mayor, Council Members or city staff members in a Mock City Council Meeting

  • Learn about emerging, important issues for the City of Tacoma

  • Gain firsthand knowledge of how the City provides core services to the community
  • Learn how these services or issues impact you now and, in the future

Download the Student Government Day Flyer

Apply by November 19 to Participate:

Applications are now being accepted for Student Government Day 2023. Up to 70 students will be selected to participate each year. In line with our Equity & Empowerment Framework, student nominations will be representative of different genders, ethnicities, high schools, council districts, and life experiences. The deadline to apply is now November 19, 2023. Students will be notified if they are selected to participate by November 22, 2023.


TPS Students Apply Now for Student Government Day 

  Click HERE for residents of Tacoma who attend non-TPS schools.


Schedule of Events

On Student Government Day, the following is the schedule of events for all participants.

Check-In at Your Tacoma Public School

7:30 AM

Students will check-in with their respective Tacoma Public High Schools and will then be released to the Office. Students will then be bused to the Tacoma Municipal Building. Tacoma Public School students will be provided transportation from the students' respective high schools to the Tacoma Municipal Building. All other students will need to provide their own transportation.

Arrive at Tacoma Municipal Building

8:45 AM to 9:00 AM

Arrive at the Tacoma Municipal Building (TMB) at 747 Market Street and report to Room 148 on the first floor. Students will receive name tags and a welcome packet. 

Breakfast and Introductions

8:45 AM to 9:10 AM

Enjoy a continental breakfast and meet departmental liaisons and hosts of Student Government Day.


9:15 AM

Overview of the day’s activities, logistical outline, expectations for student behavior and an introduction to Municipal Government.

Departments Presentations

9:30 AM to 11:40 AM
The departmental presentations are designed for students to learn about the day-to-day operations of the employees in the City Government and understand how the various departments and offices of the government function. 

Lunch with City Council

11:45 AM to 12:15 PM

Enjoy lunch and visit with the City Council. Your lunch will be provided by the City of Tacoma.

Facility Tours

12:30 PM to 2:45 PM

Students will be provided a tour of the Center for Urban Waters and The Tacoma Wastewater Treatment Facilities.

Mock City Council Meeting

3 PM to 4:30 PM

The Mock City Council Meeting is set for students to learn how the City Council business meetings are conducted and how decisions for the City are adopted.

Before the Mock City Council Meeting students will vote for five students to act as the Mayor and four Council Members. The rest of the students will be assigned to departments to discuss and decide on proposed budget allocation and priorities for the City. Students will then present them in the meeting where the assigned Mayor and Council Members will vote for approval.


Students will then fill out a feedback form to provide input about the day and will submit the completed Student Government Day worksheet.


Students will take a group photo with Mayor and City Council.

City Council Meeting

5-5:15 PM

Students will be recognized by the Mayor during the Proclamations and Recognitions portion of the agenda.  Students are free to leave after the conclusion of the Recognition.


Students who took a Tacoma Public Schools bus will be transported back to one of two high school locations TBD. 


Responsibilities of the Participants 


  • Students will start the day at their home rooms and will be released to the office of their High Schools. Students will then be bused to the Tacoma Municipal Building by Tacoma Public Schools. 
  • Check out with a Tacoma Public Schools representative if needing to leave the event early for any reason. 
  • Report any problems or concerns immediately to an advisor or City staff member.
  • Be punctual to scheduled activities and remain present until the activity is complete. 


Tacoma Public Schools are offering bussing from all high schools (except SOTA) in the morning, depending on the need. We will drop off at Lincoln, Mt. Tahoma, and Silas in the evening.

On the application TPS Students are asked "Will you need transportation from your school building to/from the event at 747 Market St. in downtown Tacoma? We will inform the schools what time bus pick up will be once we close applications. 


Dress Code

The dress code for this event is business casual. If you are unsure if what you are going to wear is acceptable, ask an advisor prior to your arrival.


Suggested Attire

  • Dress or Suit

  • Skirt/Slacks/Khakis

  • Blouse, collared polo or Oxford shirt

  • Sweater/sweater-vest

  • Blazer or Jacket

  • Comfortable dress shoes


Supervision During the Day

Advisors are expected to attend all activities and meetings along with students during the event day. Students should not be in attendance at any portion of an event without adult supervision. All employees, advisors and staff members in contact with students must be adults 21 years of age or older and have completed background checks.

Date and Time

Tuesday, November 28, 2023

8:45 AM-5:15 PM 


Who Can Attend

Students Grades 9-12 who live in Tacoma or attend Tacoma Public Schools




D'Angelo Baker

Management Fellow 
City Manager’s Office

(253) 242-0512


Tacoma Public Schools

601 South 8th Street

PO Box 1357

Tacoma, WA 98401

(253) 571-1000



Download Tacoma Public School Student Government Day Permission Slip and Media Release in English or Spanish. Return to student's Tacoma Public School. Each student participant must have a permission slip and media release.

