• City of Tacoma QA
  • City of Tacoma OpenData


Subcontractor Complaint Form

Subcontractor Complaint Form


This form can be used by any subcontractor who has a complaint related to a City of Tacoma project they have been involved in (i.e., prompt pay, certification, retainage, fraud).

This form is subject to Public Disclosure.

Please Note: If your complaint is a Title VI Complaint, visit City of Tacoma Title VI Notice - Webpage for more information on how to file a Title VI Complaint or send an email to the Title VI Coordinator at cwolfe@cityoftacoma.org

Subcontractor Complaint Form


Section 1: Information about you (the complainant)

First Name:
Last Name:
Business Name:
Business Address:
Business City, State & Zip Code: Code:
Are you OMWBE Certified?Yes  No

Section 2: Information about the project

Spec/Contract #: 
Project Name:
Project Owner Department:       
City of Tacoma (COT) Project Manager:

Section 3: Information about the Prime Contractor

Prime Contractor Name:
Prime Contractor Business Phone:
Prime Contractor’s Address:
Prime Contractor’s City, State & ZIP Code:

Section 4: Complaint - What kind of complaint are you submitting? Select all that apply box:

Prompt Payment
 Please describe your complaint below. Use additional pages if needed.


Security Measure
