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Funding Opportunities

Neighborhood and Community Services is not currently accepting applications for funding.


To receive email notifications about future funding opportunities from Neighborhood and Community Services, subscribe to our email list.


For more information on all City funding opportunities, click here


What is the process to apply for and receive funding?

Each process varies. The following represents a general overview of the steps in a typical process. 

Step 1- Funding Notification Is Released
  • A Notice of Funding Availability is released, advertised and available on the City's website. Electronic applications are typically open for at least 30 days. 
  • Application support from the City includes: 
    Application Workshops 
    Technical Assistance 
    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Step 2- Applications Are Evaluated

  • Staff screen applications to verify applicant eligibility for funding.
  • Eligible applicants are invited to present their program and answer questions during an 8-10 minute oral presentation to a review panel who rates the applications.

Step 3- Funding Recommendations Are Determined

  • The review panel, often the Human Services Commission, discusses compiled application scores, votes on funding allocations for each application, and makes funding recommendations.

Step 4- Funding Recommendations Are Approved 

  • Depending on the amount of approved funding and nature of the program, City staff or City Council will finalize and approve funding recommendations. 

Step 5- Funds Are Awarded and Contracts Developed 

  • Applicants will be notified of the funding recommendation for their program before awards are approved.
  • Applicants recommended for funding will begin working with City staff to develop a contract for services.

Step 6- Service Begins

  • Contracts may not be executed until funding recommendations are fully approved.
  • Contracts must be fully executed before start of service. 


What type of reporting is required of funded agencies?

All programs receiving City funding are required to:

  • Submit monthly invoices
  • Submit monthly and/or quarterly reports (client demographics, service-related outputs and outcomes)
  • Participate in on-site monitoring to evaluate program operations and compliance (at least once during the contract period)
