Make a Splash Stormwater Project Funding
(Updated March 22, 2021: Information about 2021 Make a Splash Stormwater Project Funding is not yet available. Application information will be added to this page when available.)
Projects with a strong stormwater message, provide a stormwater benefit, and may be educational in nature are encouraged to apply. They should focus on preventing stormwater pollution and protecting or restoring clean surface water. Tie-ins with the Puget Sound regional stormwater pollution prevention campaign, Puget Sound Starts Here, are also encouraged to apply. Each grant is reviewed annually, has a reimbursable award amount up to $4,000, and is open to anyone considering a project within Tacoma city limits. Learn more and apply.
Maximum awards of up to $5,000 are available to eligible sustainability projects within Tacoma city limits. Strong grant applications will demonstrate benefits that help protect and restore our local environment, implement sustainability practices, and/or keep our city clean, safe, and livable. Applications that also benefit our local economy, support social equity, and address the causes or impacts of climate change will be given extra consideration. Round open applications are open until March 31, 2024.
Learn more and apply.
Green Event Program
In an effort to further the sustainability vision of the community, the City of Tacoma has created a Green Event Program to help events decrease their impact on the environment. Events that participate in this program take extra care to ensure that their event is more sustainable by incorporating green initiatives like providing bike racks and recycling, using 30-100% recycled content paper, reducing waste, donating excess food, and more. Events within Tacoma city limits may apply for free or discounted material goods or in-kind services, such as garbage, recycling and portable toilets (previously available through the Environmental Services Sponsorship program). Events that apply for free or discounted services must be not for profit with a Green Excellence status. Learn more and apply.
These programs are funded by the three utilities: Surface Water, Wastewater and Solid Waste.