The Long Range Planning Work Program is developed in concert with the Planning Commission and City Council based on project prioritization, public input, and available resources. The following projects are currently active. Click on the "Learn More" link to read more about the project, available documents, schedule and upcoming meetings, and to find staff contacts.
Review the Planning Commission's Annual Report and Two-Year Work Program.
Pacific Avenue Subarea Plan & EIS
We are partnering with the community to create "Picture Pac Ave," a long-term vision for growth and development that will guide future investments and support planned transit improvements along Pacific Avenue from approximately I-5 to South 96th Street. Picture Pac Ave provides an opportunity to support businesses, improve safety and walkability, and enhance the quality, availability, and affordability of housing along the Pacific Avenue corridor to benefit both existing and future Tacomans.
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Tideflats Subarea Plan
Subarea planning allows for the establishment of a shared, long term vision, and a more coordinated approach to development, environmental review, and strategic capital investments in a focused area. Completion of the Tideflats Subarea Plan will support ongoing eligibility for and prioritization of transportation funding in the Port of Tacoma Manufacturing and Industrial Center. The Plan is being jointly funded and developed in partnership with the Puyallup Tribe of Indians, Port of Tacoma, Pierce County, and the City of Fife.
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Urban Design Studio / Design Review Program
The Urban Design Studio is a proposed long-term program with a focus on delivering urban design services to customers in the Planning and Development Services Department, other City departments, and through external public and private partnerships. The initial phase of the project will include extensive public engagement, development of design guidelines, administrative procedures for design review, and municipal code amendments.
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Home in Tacoma Project
As part of the City's Affordable Housing Action Strategy, we are launching the Home in Tacoma Project to evaluate diverse housing types and inclusionary zoning options throughout Tacoma. The intent is to increase housing supply, create affordable housing options, and to increase the choice of housing types throughout our neighborhoods.
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2023 Amendments to the Comprehensive Plan and Land Use Regulatory Code
The 2023 Amendment is a process through which the City considers changes, additions, and updates to the Comprehensive Plan and Land Use Regulatory Code.
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South Tacoma Groundwater Protection District
The Tacoma City Council is considering enacting a moratorium on certain heavy industrial uses and storage of hazardous materials within the South Tacoma Groundwater Protection District.
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Local Historic Overlay District Moratorium
The City Council adopted Resolution No. 41226, directing the Planning Commission, in coordination with the Landmarks Commission, to conduct a public process to determine if a moratorium on the consideration and creation of local historic districts is warranted, and if so, what the scope and duration should be.
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Cushman and Adams Substations
The Cushman and Adams Substations were built in the mid-1920s to bring electricity from the Cushman Dam to Tacoma. They were placed on the Tacoma Register of Historic Places in June 2017. The City Council has requested General Government and Tacoma Public Utilities to work collaboratively and ensure broad community involvement and input regarding future redevelopment of the properties.
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Residential Infill Pilot Program /
Detached Accessory Dwelling Unit (DADU) Regulations
The Infill Pilot Program is intended to promote innovative residential infill development types, while ensuring that such development demonstrates high quality building and site design that is responsive to and harmonious with neighborhood patterns and character. The DADU Regulations is a code amendment project that addresses one of the infill housing types under the Pilot Program, i.e., DADUs, and is intended to allow DADUs as of right in single-family zoning districts.
Learn More - Infill Pilot Program
Learn More - DADU Regulations
Public Facility Planning and Design