Bridge Industrial Project: FAQ
Updated: March 21, 2024
What's the latest?
The Bridge Industrial Project is a proposed development of roughly 150 acres on the former BNSF rail maintenance site in South Tacoma. The development will create about 2.5 million square feet of light industrial and warehouse space in four large buildings. The land is currently undeveloped space that lies just south of the Nalley Valley industrial/commercial zone between South Tyler Street and Sound Transit’s Sounder commuter rail line, and the land is zoned for industrial development.
Project developers first applied for permits in mid-2021, and the public review process began in early 2022. A permit decision on April 21, 2023 was appealed to the City’s Hearing Examiner, who upheld the decision on October 5, 2023, determining that the proposal was compliant and could proceed as long as multiple conditions were applied to the project.
Initial site work began in early March of 2024, including setting up erosion control and wetland protection, with grading, filling, utility installation, and paving work coming soon after.

Project Status Update - March 2024
Bridge Industrial received initial site development permits the first week of March 2024. Construction work is visible now as crews perform early site work to do erosion control, delineate contaminated areas, set up protections for the wetlands, and secure the site.
- Spring 2024: site preparation—grading and filling (depending on permit issuance schedule)
- Spring-Summer 2024: civil work—soil compaction, finished grading, utilities and paving. Civil work will take several months, and building foundation work may happen at the same time.
- Summer/Fall 2024: Building construction begins.
- Late 2025 (estimated): Planting work, including wetland restoration, will be in the last phases of construction.
Online Files
Bridge Industrial received initial site development permits the first week of March 2024. Construction work is visible now as crews perform early site work to do erosion control, delineate contaminated areas, set up protections for the wetlands, and secure the site.
Will the City do additional permit reviews as construction proceeds?
Yes, the City of Tacoma is currently reviewing additional development permit applications from Bridge Industrial. The primary address for the project is 5024 S Madison. To see the status and types of permits that have been submitted, visit and enter parcel 0220131132 into the search field on the upper right. You do not need a permitting account to view active permits. Approximately 75% of the site area would be impervious surfacing (buildings, parking, circulation).
- A north-south through road (with sidewalk) will connect through TPU property to South 35th Street.
- The stream and biodiversity area on the site will be protected and restored as part of the project.
All permits are being reviewed in compliance with the associated Critical Areas Permit and Environmental Review.
How will the developer protect the environment and sensitive wetlands on the site?
Prior to approval of development permits, the applicant was required to complete the associated environmental review in compliance with the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA), and complete a Critical Areas Permit related to the wetland and forested area on the western portion of the site.
The Critical Areas Development Permit decision was “approved with conditions,” which means the project has been reviewed for compliance with the Tacoma Municipal Code for critical areas and, if built with certain conditions, the development may be approved. Conditions include: