Download the Parking Payment App Flowbird
The Flowbird App allows users to pay for parking, under posted time limits, with their iPhone or Android devices. The app can be used for both on-street paid parking, as well as at participating paid lots around the city.

Growing demand from parking comes from a number of factors such as increased vehicle ownership, more residents moving to a specific area, and increases in nearby employment and shopping activity.
On street parking is a matter of basic supply and demand economics. The physical supply of parking spaces is fixed but the demand for those resources could be unlimited. Methods do exist to create a virtual supply and regulate it through effective management practices. Some of these management practices include regulating demand through parking regulations and optimizing supply through parking permissions (i.e. time, day, duration).
For informational purposes only - accuracy cannot be guaranteed.
Parking Technical Advisory Group (PTAG)
The Parking Technical Advisory Group meets on the first Thursday of the month at 4:10 PM in the Tacoma Municipal Building North, 733 Market Street, Room 16. The public forum begins at 5:30 PM.
Pay Fines with Tacoma Municipal Court's Online Payment System
Individuals who receive parking tickets, camera citations, traffic infractions or other fines can now use the Municipal Court’s new online payment system. There are two online payment options available. Citizens can either pay their tickets or fines online by eCheck, credit card or debit card through the Trust Commerce site, or respond to a collections letter from Transworld Inc. and make an online payment by eCheck, credit card or debit card.
To use the new online payment system, citizens will need to reference their tickets or case paperwork. Those who do not have their tickets or case paperwork, or who are using screen readers, are advised to call the Tacoma Municipal Court at (253) 591-5357 for assistance. The new online payment system is available here: Parking - City of Tacoma.
Parking Services
The primary function of Parking Facilities is management of the City’s on-street and off-street parking systems. There are currently over 3,000 actively managed on-street parking stalls. The off-street system includes six facilities with a total of nearly 2,550 parking spaces. The City contracts with Republic Parking Northwest to provide daily operational oversight of the off-street parking system.
Off-Street City Parking Facilities
On-Street City Parking
Parking Rules
- The minimum payment is $0.25
- You must pay for parking during the times posted
- You must properly display a valid receipt (See illustration on receipt or front of paystation)
- You must display only one receipt at a time
- You must not park during restricted hours posted on street signs
- You must move your vehicle from the block face after the maximum time has elapsed
- Payment not accepted for two hours after posted time regulations
Pay Station Features
- You may use a credit card (VISA or Mastercard) or coins
- You may use a receipt with unexpired time in any other metered or pay station space
- Except where restricted, you may park prior to paid parking times, and pre-purchase parking time two hours after posted time regulations
- You must display a valid receipt on the headlamp
- You may park more than one motorcycle per space
- You may write license number on displayed receipt to deter theft
Boundaries for Paid Parking
- Boundaries in the downtown core for paid on-street parking are:
- South 7th Street (both sides)
- Market Street (both sides)
- South 21st Street and Dock Street (both sides)
- A total of about 1,500 parking spaces will be metered.
Free On-Street Parking Days
When one of the holidays listed above falls on a Sunday, the following Monday is a free parking day.