Payments made after the due date for licenses and/or taxes are subject to late fees as listed in Tacoma Municipal Code (TMC) Title 6. If your license and/or taxes were paid late, use this form to request a waiver of the penalty.
Please Note: Per the TMC Chapter 6B.10.095 Waiver of Penalties: Lack of funds, being unaware that the fees were due after licensing with the City, or not receiving a license/tax notice are generally NOT considered. If you fall under these reasons, please use one of our Payment Options available.
Name of Business (If Applicable)
Name (* indicates required)
Mailing Address *
Phone *
Email *
Your business license and account number are the same number.
City Account Number (i.e. 500112233) *
Lookup Account Number
What tax and/or license year or period is your waiver request for? *
Please be detailed “all” is not accepted.
Please provide details of the circumstances that led to the delay in payment *
For a waiver of penalties to be considered, the following must be true *
I confirm my account is current or all fees except the penalties are paid and all tax returns (if applicable) have been filed.
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