What is the project timeline?
Mid 2024-2025: Restart of project and community engagement, led by consulting firm Otak, Inc.; Generate and analyze different use scenarios for the site.
2025-2026: Decision-making about future use begins; permitting and constructing TPU’s off-site maintenance replacement facility.
2025-2027: Surplus process
- First right of refusal to local tribes
- Environmental remediation of the sites/buildings
- Exploring affordable housing options as required by the City
- Request for proposal from developers and/or other partners
2027-Beyond: Tacoma Power vacates the Cushman Substation; implementation of recommended steps.
What does the future hold for Cushman and Adams Substations?
The reuse study gives the community an opportunity to participate in the City Council and TPU Board’s decisions regarding the future use of the Cushman and Adams Substations. City Council directed the City of Tacoma’s General Government and Tacoma Public Utilities (TPU) to develop a Memorandum of Understanding to work collaboratively and engage the community in the future redevelopment of the properties.
During the next few years, TPU will continue to identify alternatives for the equipment repair and storage currently taking place at Cushman Substation and identify environmental clean-up needs. The facility replacement and clean-up initiatives are ongoing. They will be executed according to the terms of the Memorandum of Understanding and informed by any future redevelopment plan(s) for the properties approved by the Public Utility Board and Tacoma City Council.
Email project staff if you would like to receive updates and engagement opportunities.
How are we using your feedback?
The scenarios studied in this project will be shaped by input from the Tacoma community (citywide) and residents from the surrounding neighborhood. Various engagement activities will provide opportunities for everyone to have input throughout the study effort. Ideas and comments will be gathered through this process (VISIONING) and filtered through technical feasibility analysis for potential future uses (see diagram) to create project alternatives (SCENARIOS), which will be brought back to the community for additional feedback.

How will the final decisions be made to determine the future uses of the buildings and sites?
The Public Utilities Board and Tacoma City Council will make final determinations regarding future uses of the sites. This decision-making process may begin in 2025, pending the completion of any additional follow-on technical studies that might be needed.