One Tacoma Plan
Everyone in Tacoma deserves a city that keeps us safe, lets us live sustainably with our land and water, and contributes to our physical, social, and economic health.
Tacoma’s Comprehensive Plan is an important tool that establishes the City’s future vision and policy direction, as well as guiding growth and development over the next 25 years. It helps us decide how to use our land and water, improve our city streets and transportation, build a variety of housing options that satisfy the needs of our citizens at ever
y stage of life, and maintain public facilities and services like parks, libraries, utilities, and more.
You can provide feedback on the once-in-a-decade update to Tacoma’s Comprehensive Plan. After a year of gathering input from thousands of community members online and in person, the draft of the updated One Tacoma Plan is ready for your review. Read the draft plan and find out how to share your feedback before March 7, 2025.
Review the Draft One Tacoma Plan
Planning Commission Public Hearing - Wednesday, March 5, 2025, at 6:00 p.m.
- In-person at City Council Chambers, 747 Market St.
- On Zoom:
- Or dial in to join: 253-215-8782, Webinar ID - 844 1662 4153
- Provide oral comments during the public hearing on Wednesday, March 5, 2025
- Submit written comments to or mail comments to: Planning Commission, 747 Market Street Room 345, Tacoma, WA 98402 by Friday, March 7, 2025, at 5:00 p.m.
In addition to the Comprehensive Plan update, the Planning Commission is also accepting comments on minor amendments to the City’s development standards. A summary of these amendments is included here.
Upcoming Community Events
Learn more about the Comprehensive Plan update and prepare for the public hearing at an upcoming event on:
- Thursday, February 20: STAR Center 3873 S 66th St., 6-7:30 p.m.
- Monday, February 24: Virtual on Zoom, 6-7:30 p.m.
- Thursday, February 27: Wheelock Library, 3722 N 26th St., 1-2:30 p.m.
- Saturday, March 1: Eastside Community Center, 1721 E 56th St., 1-2:30 p.m.
Sign up for project emails to receive updates on the Comprehensive Plan process and be the first to hear about opportunities to share your thoughts in upcoming surveys, events, focus groups, and community meetings.
Sign up for project email updates
The Current One Tacoma Plan
The One Tacoma Plan was most recently updated in 2015. You can explore the One Tacoma Plan Interactive Map or review the PDFs below to learn about the previous version of the plan.
The One Tacoma Plan is organized into "books." Book One comprises the core policy elements. Book Two includes functional and programmatic elements that more directly span both policy and code/implementation. Elements of Book One and Book Two are posted below for your review/download. To view and download individual plan maps, visit the One Tacoma Plan Map Index.
Book One: Core Policy Elements

Book Two: Implementation Programs and Strategies

Staff Contact
Email comments and questions to
Stephen Atkinson
(253) 905-4146