• City of Tacoma QA
  • City of Tacoma OpenData

Estimate Requests

Retirement Estimate Requests

 Because members close to retirement need the most assistance, and require the most staff time and resources when preparing to make the transition to retired life, the Retirement Department's policy is to provide an estimate of retirement benefits to individuals who are within six months of retirement from their position. These requests are limited to once per calendar year, and are only provided to those members who meet the six-months criteria.


Your request for an estimate must be made in writing using the Retirement Estimate Request Form and can be faxed, emailed, mailed or sent by interoffice to the Retirement Department. Benefit estimates may take up to four weeks to complete.


If you are not within six months of retirement, you can use our online Benefits Calculator to get an approximate estimate of your retirement benefits. The online Benefits Calculator allows members to work up their own projections, based on individual assumptions of salary increases and variable retirement dates.


If you are not comfortable using our online Benefits Calculator, you may contact the Retirement Department (253) 502-8200 and a staff member will walk you through the process, or produce an estimate using the calculator for you. These estimates will be very close to, but will not exactly match final estimates.

Benefits Calculator
Estimate Request Form
