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HB 1310 Implementation

HB1310 Implementation

Statement from Interim Police Chief Michael Ake Regarding Tacoma Police Department Implementation of HB1310


Tacoma, Wash. – The Tacoma Police Department is ensuring department protocols and procedures are in alignment and compliance with the Washington State Legislature’s passage of House Bill 1310, “Law Enforcement and Correctional Officers – Permissible Uses of Force.”  

The Tacoma Police Department will continue to respond to calls and evaluate the situation to serve and provide for community safety as we have always done and in alignment with the new law’s use of physical and deadly force limitations.

The City of Tacoma is also continuing the City-wide work to implement alternative call responses to non-criminal calls to divert people in need of medical, mental health, and social services connected with systems that are better positioned to assist them.

As the law becomes better understood through interpretations, court decisions and model policies, TPD will update its own definitions and policies as appropriate. The Attorney General’s Office is anticipated to provide model policies regarding use of force and de-escalation tactics by July 1, 2022 and law enforcement agencies must also adopt consistent policies by December 1, 2022.


