When a naming or renaming proposal is received in the Office of the Mayor, the Mayor’s policy staff will coordinate with designated staff from the City Manager’s Office or Public Works Department, depending on the category of the naming request.
For applications that pass the initial vetting, the City Manager's Office or Public Works Department designee shall convene an ad-hoc work group to review the completeness of the application and its alignment to City policies and goals. If the workgroup determines an application is incomplete or the criteria has not been met, the designated staff shall inform the applicant and advise on resubmitting. If the proposal is consistent with the City's goals and policies than it may move forward for legal review.
Once legal review is complete, designated staff will present recommendations on the naming request to the Infrastructure, Planning and Sustainability (IPS) Committee. The IPS Committee may make a recommendation that the Council adopt the proposal, move it forward to Council without recommendation, defer if additional information is required, or deny the proposal if it doesn’t fit the policy criteria.
Successful naming requests shall move forward for City Council’s consideration and be presented by the designated staff through a Resolution. City Council approved naming proposals shall be effective immediately, except official roadway renaming, which shall be effective six months after Council adoption.
For additional details, please see the City’s Full Policy on Place Names and Name Changes.
Consideration process: