Links and materials are available for meetings under the “Meetings and Events” tab.
Planning Commission Assessment and Recommendations of the STNC application as part of 2022 Amendment to the One Tacoma Comprehensive Plan and Land Use Regulatory Code (Mar. 2021–May 2022):
The Planning Commission assessed the STNC’s application, pursuant to TMC 13.02.070.E, and considered public comments received through a public scoping hearing in June 2021, and made a determination in July 2021 to move the application forward for technical analysis following a two-phased approach:
- Phase 1A: Work Plan (2022) - Creation of a work plan to occur during the 2022 Amendment cycle. The work plan may include review of allowed land uses, review of the One Tacoma Comprehensive Plan, refinement of allowed uses and boundaries, and periodic update of the STGPD to ensure the regulations fulfill the intent of protecting the district. (Amended Substitute Resolution No. 40985, June 28, 2022)
- Phase 1B: STGPD Code Amendments (2022-2024) - Update TMC 13.06.070.D pertaining to STGPD, to be done in the future 2023 Amendment Cycle
- Phase 2: Creation of an Economic Green Zone (2022-2024) - Evaluate the establishment of an Economic Green Zone (EGZ) to attract green industry to the City’s manufacturing/industrial centers, considering the recently adopted 2030 Climate Action Plan and Climate Adaptation Strategy (Resolution No. 40878, November 30, 2021).
Upon completing technical analyses and factoring in public comments, the Planning
Commission forwarded its recommendations on the 2022 Amendment Package to the City Council in May 2022. With respect to the STNC’s application, the Commission recommended that the City Council:
- Approve the Work Plan for STGPD Code Amendments;
- Consider the merits of a moratorium on future development projects, given that significant permit activity and development during the phased process could pre-empt the broader planning efforts.
City Council Consideration of Planning Commission Recommendations of STGPD Code Update Work Plan (Mar.-Jun. 2022):
On June 28, 2022, the City Council adopted Amended Substitute Resolution No. 40985, approving the Work Plan for the South Tacoma Groundwater Protection District Code Amendments, and directed the Planning Commission to conduct a public process to develop findings of fact and recommendations as to whether a moratorium on heavy industrial uses and storage of hazardous materials within the South Tacoma Groundwater Protection District is warranted, and if so, to recommend the scope, applicability, and duration for City Council consideration within 60 days of the effective date of this resolution.
Planning Commission Consideration of a Moratorium (Jul.–Aug. 2022)
The City Council’s initiation of the STGPD moratorium consideration was in response to public comments received by the Planning Commission and the City Council during the review and adoption processes for the 2022 Annual Amendment to the Comprehensive Plan. The Planning Commission conducted four meetings, on July 6, July 20, August 3, and August 17, 2022, in response to public comments regarding the moratorium. Planning and Development Services staff also conducted a community informational meeting on July 27, 2022. The Planning Commission completed its review and deliberations of the matter through a public process, and forwarded its Findings of Fact and Recommendations Report, along with a letter of recommendations, to the City Council for consideration on August 17, 2022.
A summary of this recommendation is included below:
- That the City Council consider enacting a targeted and specific moratorium on the establishment of the following uses:
- Metal recycling/auto wrecking facilities,
- Vehicle service and repair,
- Vehicle service and repair – industrial, and
- Underground storage tanks.
- The moratorium should additionally limit the expansion of existing facilities but allow for normal maintenance, repair, and replacement activities of existing uses.
- The duration of the moratorium should apply initially for a period of one year, to be resolved through the South Tacoma Groundwater Code update.
To review the full recommendation:
City Council Consideration of a Moratorium (Sept. 2022 – Feb. 2023)
In response, the City Council referred the recommendation to the IPS Committee for further consideration. Following that referral, the IPS Committee, on November 30, 2022, approved the following amendments to the Planning Commission proposal, and forwarded the amended moratorium proposal to the City Council:
- Use Categories: The IPS Committee did not find sufficient risk to groundwater resources from the establishment or expansion of vehicle service and repair or industrial vehicle service and repair uses to warrant a moratorium. Therefore, the moratorium should apply only to metal recycling/auto wrecking and underground storage tanks.
- Expansion of Existing Uses: The IPS Committee found that a moratorium that is too restrictive on the expansion of existing uses could have the counter effect of prohibiting improvements that provide environmental benefit or reduce the risks and impacts of existing uses. Therefore, the moratorium should allow for reasonable facility and site development that improves environmental outcomes while avoiding the introduction of new risks to the City’s groundwater resources.
On March 7, 2023, the City Council adopted Ordinance No. 28872, enacting a moratorium within the South Tacoma Groundwater Protection District as recommended by the IPS Committee. The moratorium in Ordinance No. 28872 became effective March 20, 2023, and were enacted for an initial period of up to one year, to expire on March 20, 2024.
City Council Consideration of a Moratorium Extension (Jan. 2024– Mar. 2024)
On March 5, 2024, the City Council adopted Ordinance No. 28958 extending an existing moratorium on certain high impact uses within the STGPD for a 6-month period, expiring on September 20, 2024.
City Council Consideration of a Moratorium Extension (Jul. 2024– Aug. 2024)
On August 27, 2024, the City Council adopted Ordinance No. 28977 extending an existing moratorium on certain high impact uses within the STGPD for a 6-month period, expiring on March 20, 2025.
City Council Consideration of a Moratorium Extension (Jan. 2025– Feb. 2025)
On February 25, 2025, the City Council adopted Ordinance No. 29020 extending an existing moratorium on certain high impact uses within the STGPD for a 6-month period, expiring on September 20, 2025.