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One Tacoma Plan Update

One Tacoma Plan Update is Here

The updated One Tacoma Plan is now online for your review. Now is the time to share your thoughts about Tacoma’s future, as we plan together for the next 25 years of growth and change. Learn more about the plan’s key elements below.


01- Intro and Vision (thumbnail)
 02- Growth Strategy (thumbnail) 03- Complete Neighborhoods (thumbnail) 04- Environment and Watershed Health (thumbnail) 05- Housing (thumbnail) 06- Transportation (thumbnail) 07- Economic Development (thumbnail) 08- Parks and Recreation (thumbnail) 09- Public Facilities and Services (thumbnail) 10- Historic Preservation (thumbnail) 11- Engagement and Administration (thumbnail)


Updating the One Tacoma Plan

Tacoma’s Comprehensive Plan is updated once-a-decade, and the process is underway now. The City of Tacoma adopted a three-stage process for updating the One Tacoma Plan.


During Phase 1 (March - June 2024), the City heard from a wide range of residents. Through surveys, local events, and online platforms, Tacoma's Planning and Development Services department focused on reaching out to community groups we hadn't previously engaged with, gathering input about what matters most to local residents.


In Phase 2 (July - December 2024), the City used these insights to develop draft policies that directly reflect the community's priorities, keeping residents informed about how their feedback shaped the planning process.


In Phase 3 (January – June 2025), the City began the legislative process with a 30-day public comment period on the draft One Tacoma Plan. Following this, there will be a public hearing at the Planning Commission, where changes to the plan will be made based on the feedback received. The Planning Commission will then send their recommendations to the City Council, which will hold a separate public hearing and make its own revisions based on additional public input. The City Council will then adopt the final version of the One Tacoma Plan at the end of June 2025.



Learn more about what the One Tacoma Plan is in your language.


One Tacoma_2024 Info Flyer_ENG One Tacoma_2024 Info Flyer_FARSI One Tacoma_2024 Info Flyer_KH One Tacoma_2024 Info Flyer_KOR One Tacoma_2024 Info Flyer_RUS One Tacoma_2024 Info Flyer_SPA One Tacoma_2024 Info Flyer_TAG One Tacoma_2024 Info Flyer_UKR One Tacoma_2024 Info Flyer_VIET



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Join The Conversation

How to Participate

  • Provide written comments to planning@cityoftacoma.org or mail comments to: Planning Commission, 747 Market Street Room 345, Tacoma, WA 98402 by Friday, March 7, 2025.
  • Provide oral comments during the public hearing on Wednesday, March 5, 2025, at 6:00 p.m. Information on how to join below.
  • Email your general feedback/question on the plan to onetacoma@cityoftacoma.org.
  • Sign up to receive regular project updates and invitations to upcoming surveys, events, focus groups, and community meetings.

Upcoming Community Events

Learn more about the Comprehensive Plan update and prepare for the public hearing:

  • Thursday, February 20: STAR Center 3873 S 66th St., 6-7:30 p.m.
  • Monday, February 24: Virtual on Zoom, 6-7:30 p.m.
        View the recording here.
  • Thursday, February 27: Wheelock Library, 3722 N 26th St., 1-2:30 p.m.
  • Saturday, March 1: Eastside Community Center, 1721 E 56th St., 1-2:30 p.m.
  • Review the presentation shared at the events here 

Planning Commission Public Hearing - Wednesday, March 5, 2025

  • In-person at City Council Chambers, 747 Market St.
  • On Zoom: www.zoom.us/j/84416624153
  • Or dial in to join: 253-215-8782, Webinar ID - 844 1662 4153

In addition to the Comprehensive Plan update, the Planning Commission is also accepting comments on minor amendments to the City’s development standards. A summary of these amendments is included here.


Element Summaries

Growth Strategy

Coordinating housing, transportation, and commercial development ensures Tacoma is implementing policies that support growth, strengthen neighborhoods, and ensure residents have access to a high quality of life.


Complete Neighborhoods

Tacoma’s neighborhoods should meet local needs and maintain their distinct character. The City is developing smart design policies that showcase Tacoma's unique identity, cultivate beautiful places, and celebrate the city's diverse architectural heritage.


Environment & Watershed Health

Our natural resources offer valuable ecological, aesthetic, and cultural benefits. The City's land use policies include environmental protections and regulations to ensure our land and water stay healthy for future generations.



Tacoma wants to be a city with safe and healthy housing options for all residents. The City's policies influence the location, style, and income mix of new housing stock, ensuring varied access to opportunity, stability.



Tacoma's transportation policies support growth by prioritizing transit-oriented development and infrastructure investments in key areas. This approach creates walkable communities with integrated transportation, housing, jobs, and amenities.


Economic Development

As a designated Metropolitan City, Tacoma is planning for 94,000 new jobs by 2050. Through strategic economic initiatives, the City is building a framework that will attract new businesses, support existing ones, and ensure alignment with existing land use policy.


Parks & Recreation

Parks, trails, and open spaces enrich Tacoma by connecting people to their community and their surrounding environment. The City is committed to safeguarding these spaces and enhancing them for the future, with an emphasis on improving access for all Tacomans.


Public Facilities & Services

A city with well-designed and maintained public facilities and responsive city services build community trust, resilience, and pride. The City is planning to manage its facilities and services in a way that meets the community's needs and provides fair, high-quality service to all Tacomans.


Historic Preservation

Tacoma's preservation program protects our historic architecture and cultural sites. The policies outlined in this chapter ensure that historic buildings are part of our collective future and contribute to citywide sustainability goals and economic vibrancy.


One Tacoma Update Work Plan

Project Schedule

Project Timeline

Public Engagement Plan and Engagement Summary

One Tacoma Community Engagement Plan:

The City of Tacoma is updating its Comprehensive Plan (to 2050), refreshing its Strategic Plan (to 2035), and developing a Community Safety Action Strategy. All three plans rely on community engagement to guide policies and strategies. A long-standing priority for Tacoma is ensuring that engagement fosters equity and empowerment. While the Growth Management Act (RCW 36.70A.140) requires "early and continuous public participation," Tacoma goes beyond the minimum, striving for inclusive and meaningful engagement in all decisions.


Over the years, Tacoma has conducted extensive community engagement across many initiatives. Other partner agencies are also planning engagement activities on a similar timeline. However, some gaps in participation may remain. This strategy aims to maximize existing data and engagement efforts to minimize respondent burden and confusion, while focusing additional resources on specific thematic or community group gaps. It also includes leveraging external partner efforts to inform all three plans.


Community Engagement Summary:

As part of the One Tacoma update, the City of Tacoma conducted a variety of engagement activities to gather community input, including in-person and virtual workshops, pop-up events, neighborhood group meetings, an Ideas Wall on the website, and a multilingual community survey.


 Feedback from these activities highlights strong community support for the 15-minute neighborhood concept, with a focus on improving public transit, pedestrian and bicycle mobility, safety, and access to essential services. Additionally, community members expressed a desire for more small businesses reflecting the city's demographic diversity and greater economic opportunities through a wider range of jobs and employers.


 These insights will be key in shaping the policies of the One Tacoma Comprehensive Plan.


Equity Assessment

Community Profile: The Community Profile includes information about the current context of the city and recent trends as a starting point for comprehensive plan research. It is also intended to serve as a key resource for shaping the community engagement process by summarizing information about City residents. The Community Profile is a working document, and each Comprehensive Plan chapter will expand on this research in the process of developing specific policies.

Equity Assessment Context History and Baseline: A review of relevant historical context, equity indicators, and baseline outcomes data disaggregated by race and ethnicity in Tacoma.

Equity Assessment Framework: A summary of equity priorities and policy and review rubrics used for the Comprehensive Plan policy audit.



Baseline Conditions

The baseline conditions reports provide a comprehensive summary of the existing analysis and reports relevant to each element of the Comprehensive Plan, as well as the necessary new data and mapping to support updates. These reports are designed to guide policy development by synthesizing current conditions, trends, and themes across multiple areas.

Below are the baseline conditions reports for several key elements of One Tacoma Plan:

  • Growth Strategy: Analyzes population allocation across Tacoma's planning geographies to inform land use planning.
  • Housing: Summarizes current data on Tacoma’s housing market, including all requirements to comply with HB 1220. The baseline conditions data also compiles the various planning efforts related to housing from recent years to synthesize themes and policy guidance.
  • Economic Development
  • Parks and Recreation: The Parks and Recreation baseline conditions report primarily references the Parks Tacoma Strategic Plan and includes updated levels of service (LOS) metrics that incorporate City- owned properties, a crosscheck of state-level parks planning guidance, and collaboration on equity findings to ensure parks and recreational facilities meet the diverse needs of the community.
  • Historic Preservation: The report summarizes an assessment of existing plan language and regulations related to historical resources in Tacoma. It includes a comparative analysis of best practices from other jurisdictions that have updated their historic resource regulations, aiming to inform potential improvements and align with the goals identified for the update.
  • Engagement and Administration: The baseline conditions report for the Engagement Element provides a summary of the gap analysis conducted on community engagement efforts in Tacoma. The analysis focused on studies conducted with community members since 2016, excluding those based solely on stakeholder interviews or advisory bodies.
  • Environment and Watershed Health: The Environment baseline conditions report provides a high-level summary of the publicly documented critical areas within the City of Tacoma, detailing each of the five critical area types. It also summarizes watershed-scale assessments based on publicly available data.

Critical Areas Best Available Science (BAS) Review:

The Critical Areas Best Available Science (BAS) Review was compiled as part of Tacoma’s Periodic Update to the Comprehensive Plan, in compliance with the Growth Management Act (GMA). This review assesses the best available science for critical areas to ensure that Tacoma designates and protects these areas in accordance with the legal requirements of the Revised Code of Washington (RCW) Chapter 36.70A and Washington Administrative Code (WAC) Chapters 365-195 and 365-196.


Critical Areas Ordinance Gap Analysis:

The Critical Areas Ordinance Gap Analysis identifies potential gaps or inconsistencies within Tacoma’s current critical areas regulations. This analysis is part of the city's Periodic Update to the Comprehensive Plan under the Growth Management Act (GMA).


Frequently Asked Questions about the Planning Process

What is a comprehensive plan?

A comprehensive plan is a tool that helps cities proactively respond to growth and change. It is a long-range plan that looks ahead 25 years to anticipate the needs of current and future residents, business owners, workers, and visitors of a city. The plan is organized into sections that cover a range of issues including housing, land use, transportation, utilities, parks, economic development, and more.


What is the One Tacoma Plan?

The One Tacoma Plan is the City of Tacoma’s comprehensive plan, which is being updated in 2024 and 2025. This once in a decade update process is an opportunity for anyone who cares about the future of Tacoma to join together and think about the kind of community we want to become and believe we can achieve by 2050. The update process will also coordinate and align with other planning efforts currently in-progress, including the Transportation Master Plan, Community Safety Plan, the Metro Parks Tacoma Strategic Plan, the Strategic Plan update for Tacoma 2035, the Stormwater Comprehensive Plan, Home in Tacoma, and the Tideflats and Picture Pac Ave Subarea Plans. The One Tacoma Plan update process will be completed in 2025.


Why is this plan important?

The One Tacoma Plan affects everyone who cares about the future of Tacoma over the next 25 years. It allows us to plan for a changing city that keeps us safe, allows us to live sustainably with our land and water, and contributes to our physical, social, and economic health. The One Tacoma Plan can help maintain our quality of life while also building a more equitable future that offers the same opportunities to everyone.


How is this plan used?

Comprehensive plans guide city decisions on how we use land and water, improve city streets, create options for transportation, build housing, and take care of public facilities and services such as parks, libraries, and utilities. City staff use the Comprehensive Plan to direct and coordinate actions, policies, and programs that serve community members to improve everyone’s quality of life.


Why do we need a comprehensive plan?

Tacoma’s comprehensive plan is required by the State Growth Management Act. The GMA was enacted in 1990 and amended in 1991 in response to rapid population growth and concerns with suburban sprawl, environmental protection, quality of life, and related issues. The One Tacoma Plan is a coordinated effort to ensure the City has sufficient capacity of land planned for and zoned to accommodate its housing and job growth targets.



City Meetings

Event Date Materials
Planning Commission January 10, 2023

Agenda Packet




Planning Commission
March 1, 2023

Agenda Packet




Planning Commission
June 21, 2023

Agenda Packet




Planning Commission
December 20, 2023

Agenda Packet




Written Comments

Planning Commission January 17, 2024 Agenda Packet




Infrastructure, Planning and Sustainability Committee
February 14, 2024 Agenda – Item 24-0133
Staff Report
Planning Commission
February 21, 2024

Agenda Packet




City Council Study Session
March 26, 2024




Planning Commission: preliminary findings including the equity assessment report July 17, 2024

Agenda Packet



Planning Commission: initial review of Parks + Recreation element September 4, 2024

Agenda Packet



Written Comments

Planning Commission: initial review of Public Facilities + Services element September 18, 2024

Agenda Packet



Planning Commission: initial review of Urban Form and Housing elements October 2, 2024

Agenda Packet



Planning Commission: initial review of Historic Preservation element October 16, 2024

Agenda Packet



Planning Commission: initial review of Transportation and Design + Development elements November 6, 2024

Agenda Packet



Written Comments

Planning Commission: initial review of Economic Development and Environment + Watershed Health (Part 1) elements November 20, 2024

Agenda Packet



Planning Commission: initial review of Environment + Watershed Health (Part 2) and Engagement elements December 4, 2024

Agenda Packet



Planning Commission: releasing draft One Tacoma Plan for public review February 5, 2025

Agenda Packet



City Council Study Session: overview of Draft One Tacoma Plan February 11, 2025








Cities make better long-term decisions when many different people are involved in considering planning issues and providing feedback based on their individual expertise and life experiences. We hope all Tacoma residents can be involved in the decisions that affect them: everyone is invited to participate in the process of updating Tacoma’s Comprehensive Plan.



Tacoma Map



Staff Contact
Stephen Atkinson,
Principal Planner

Maryam Moeinian,
Senior Planner

Alyssa Torrez,

Senior Planner

