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Puyallup Avenue Sewer Utility Replacement Project

Project Background

The City of Tacoma plans to use progressive design-build delivery to design and construct the new Puyallup Avenue Sewer Utility Replacement Project to reduce flooding events in Pacific Avenue and South Tacoma Way/26th Street and to upsize aging storm and wastewater infrastructure.


The project is anticipated to include the following improvements:


• Rehabilitation of approximately 1,200 LF of existing 60” arch storm pipe
• Replacement of 2,000 LF of storm pipe ranging in diameter from 24”–84”
• Replacement of 1,500 LF of wastewater pipe ranging in diameter from 24”–66”
• Removal of the existing Puyallup Ave bridge (approximately 300 LF), and replacement with a new roadway placed on fill with new retaining walls
• Crossing of Sound Transit Link Light Rail alignment (potentially using trenchless methods), and crossing of I-705 at existing underpass
• Associated existing utility relocations


Project Challenges

Key Project challenges and activities are anticipated to include:


• Vetting of alternatives and constructability review for potential alignments and approaches to flood mitigation
• Subsurface conditions for open cut pipe installation, including deep excavations, groundwater management, potential contaminated soil and groundwater, and existing utility avoidance/relocation
• Bridge replacement and protection of nearby structures
• Transportation crossings including Sound Transit Link light rail and I-705
• Permitting (transportation and shoreline)
• Public impacts (e.g., traffic, transit, pedestrian, noise) for work in a congested urban area
• Sewer bypasses and coordination with operations for shutdowns
• Pipe rehabilitation of existing arch sewer


Anticipated Procurement Schedule


Activity or Milestone  Anticipated Date
 RFQ Issued Including Term Sheet  June 17
 Pre-SOQ Submittal Meeting June 25
 Deadline for Questions on the RFQ  July 10
 Date for Final City Addendum  July 17
 SOQ Submittal Date July 30
 Short-List Announcement August
 Post-Shortlist Confidential Meetings August/September
 RFP Issued (including draft Design-Build Contract) September
 Confidential Meetings September/October
 Proposal Submittal Date October/November
 Interviews November
 Selection Notification November
 Contract Negotiations  November-December
 City Approval / Preliminary Services NTP February 2025



Project Schedule

The City plans to issue Stage 1 - Preliminary Services notice-to-proceed in early 2025.  Stage 2 - Construction is anticipated to begin spring of 2026 and is targeting completion of the project by December 2027. 



Contact Information

If you have general questions about the project and/or would like to let the City know you’re
interested please contact Kristy Beardemphl, P.E., Engineering Manager at kbeardemphl@cityoftacoma.org or Christa Lee, P.E., Project Manager at clee@cityoftacoma.org.


