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Transforming Tacoma-test

Our Vision (Our ideal state): We are an anti-racist organization creating just and equitable outcomes for all, focusing on long term, systemic change and accountability to the community.


Our Mission (What we will do to achieve our vision): We dismantle institutional and structural racism. We listen to voices of people of color and utilize data to identify, understand and actively work to adopt anti-racist policies and eliminate barriers to success for people of color. We acknowledge and repair harm caused by the City of Tacoma


Putting it into Action

We continue to direct our work according to the standards set forth in Resolution 40622:

  • Prioritizing anti-racism in the evaluation of new policies and programs as well as the sustained and comprehensive transformation of existing services, through implementation of Racial Equity Action Plans.
  • Actively seeking and implementing interim administrative changes and process improvements that can legally be taken immediately to improve transparency and accountability in policing. See our work in this area on the Community Safety Transformation page.



21st Century Policing Solutions Recommendations & Reports

21st Century Policing Solutions Recommendations for the Tacoma Police Department Now Available

The City of Tacoma engaged 21st Century Policing (21CP) Solutions to:

  • Conduct an assessment of the Tacoma Police Department’s current practices, procedures, and operations.
  • Develop pragmatic, specific recommendations and reforms that the Tacoma Police Department and the City of Tacoma can implement to strengthen the Tacoma Police Department’s relationship with Tacoma’s community; ensure that the Tacoma Police Department’s activities and operations are safe, just, effective, lawful, and consistent with national, best, emerging, and transformational practices.

As this report notes, Tacoma’s elected officials, community organizations, and members of the Tacoma Police Department (TPD) described to 21CP Solutions a commitment to comprehensively re-imagining public safety in Tacoma going forward. 


21CP’s final recommendations were reviewed by TPD Command staff. The final report responses were discussed, next steps identified, and current state captured. These were then assigned to the corresponding Government Alliance on Race and Equity (GARE) objective in the Safety priority area, bringing the 21CP findings into alignment with the broader citywide transformation initiative.


Read their full Recommendations for the Tacoma Police Department


Read the Prioritization and Implementation Matrix of 21CP’s Recommendations


Community's Police Advisory Committee Preliminary Response to 21CP Recommendations


TPD's Status Updates on Progress on 21CP Recommendations 




What Resolution 40622 Directs the City Manager To Do

Resolution 40622 Directs the City Manager to:

  • Keep anti‐racism as a top priority in the process of budget development and prioritize anti‐racism in the planning of an economic recovery strategy following COVID‐19; and
  • Prioritize anti‐racism in the evaluation of new policies and programs as well as the sustained and comprehensive transformation of existing services, with initial priority being given to policing; and
  • Assess the current state of systems in place at the Tacoma Police Department in consultation with police reform experts, with specific attention to how current policies, staffing levels, training, and accountability systems align to create just outcomes and use this assessment as a foundation for the work of comprehensive transformation; and
  • Actively seek and implement interim administrative changes and process improvements that can legally be taken immediately to improve transparency and accountability in policing; and
  • Work with the City Council to build a legislative platform at the local, state, and federal level that transforms institutions impacted by systemic racism for the greater equity and well-being of all residents of Tacoma, Washington state, and the United States.


View the City Manager's Update Reports (click here)

Here are the reports from the City Manager, Elizabeth Pauli, on System Transformation Updates presented to the City Council. Starting in January 2023, the presentations are given quarterly on the second Tuesday of the month.


Presentation Date Link to the PowerPoint
 July 11, 2023
 Presentation (English)
 April 11, 2023 Presentation (English)
January 10, 2023 Presentation (English)
December 13, 2022 

Presentation (English)


November 8, 2022 Presentation (English)
September 13, 2022  Presentation (English)
August 9, 2022  Presentation (English)
July 12, 2022 Presentation (English)
June 14, 2022 Presentation (English)
May 10, 2022 Presentation (English)
April 12, 2022  Presentation (English)
March 8, 2022  Presentation (English)
February 8, 2022 Presentation (English)
January 11, 2022  Presentation (English)
December 14, 2021  Presentation (English)
December 7, 2021  Presentation (English) 
November 30, 2021  Presentation (English) 
November 23, 2021 Presentation (English)
November 16, 2021  Presentation (English)
November 9, 2021  Presentation (English) 
November 2, 2021 

Presentation (English)

City of Tacoma Organizational Approach to Anti-Racist Transformation

October 26, 2021 

Presentation (English)

Finalized Lexipol Contract

October 19, 2021  Presentation (English)
October 12, 2021  Presentation (English)
October 5, 2021 Presentation (English)
September 28, 2021  Presentation (English)
September 21, 2021  Presentation (English)
September 14, 2021 Presentation (English)
August 31, 2021  Presentation (English)
August 24, 2021  Presentation (English)
August 17, 2021  Presentation (English)
August 10, 2021  Presentation (English)
August 3, 2021  Presentation (English)
July 27, 2021  Presentation (English) 
July 20, 2021  Presentation (English)
July 13, 2021  Presentation (English)
June 29, 2021 Presentation (English)
June 22, 2021  Presentation (English)
June 15, 2021  Presentation (English)
June 8, 2021 Presentation (English) 
May 25, 2021  Presentation (English)
May 18, 2021  Presentation (English)
May 11, 2021 Presentation (English)
May 4, 2021  Presentation (English)
April 27, 2021  Presentation (English) 
April 20, 2021 Presentation (English) 
April 13, 2021  Presentation (English) 
April 6, 2021  Presentation (English)
March 30, 2021  Presentation (English)
March 23, 2021  Presentation (English)
March 16, 2021 Presentation (English) 
March 9, 2021
Presentation (English)
March 2, 2021 Presentation (English)
February 23, 2021  Presentation (English)
February 16, 2021
Presentation (English)
February 9, 2021
Presentation (English)
February 2, 2021 Presentation (English)
January 26, 2021  Presentation (English)
January 19, 2021 Presentation (English)
January 12, 2021  Presentation (English)
January 5, 2021 Presentation (English)
December 29, 2020 Presentation (English)
December 15, 2020 Presentation (English)
December 8, 2020 Presentation (English)
December 1, 2020 Presentation (English)
November 24, 2020 Presentation (English)
November 17, 2020 Presentation (English)
November 10, 2020 Presentation (English)
November 3, 2020 Presentation (English)
October 27, 2020  Presentation (English)
October 20, 2020 Presentation (English)
October 13, 2020 Presentation (English) 
October 6, 2020 Presentation (English)
September 29, 2020 Presentation (English)
September 22, 2020  Presentation (English)
September 15, 2020 Presentation (English)
September 1, 2020  Presentation (English)
August 25, 2020  Presentation (English)
August 18, 2020 Presentation (English)
August 11, 2020 Presentation (English)
August 4, 2020 Presentation (English)
July 28, 2020 Presentation (English)



Our Values (how we will accomplish our mission):

  • Change: We are bold in leading change internally and with our partners. We focus on systems and power. We disallow the concept of perfection and focus on achieving progress. We adopt actionable plans and measure progress. We are comfortable being uncomfortable and are committed to moving forward.
  • Community: We value and amplify the voices of those most impacted by systemic racism, seeking their input, guidance, and honoring the wisdom of their experience. We increase access to resources, services and decision-making power to ensure equitable representation and participation.
  • Compassion: We meet people where they are along their journey and support each other in navigating the challenges of antiracism work, recognizing and addressing the unique impacts on people of color.
  • Cultural Competence: We expect ongoing individual and organizational learning to understand the history and implications of racism in order to undo institutional structures that perpetuate it. We create a welcoming workplace where all employees feel accepted, valued and can perform and develop to their highest ability.

Additional Information

Resolution 40622This resolution formally acknowledges that the City of Tacoma’s existing systems have not adequately served the needs of everyone in our community and, in particular, have not adequately served the needs of Black community members and other community members of color.

Heal the Heart of Tacoma, established in October 2020, is grounded in Resolution 40622. It aims to spark long term change that strengthens and heals communities, provide the foundation necessary to achieve greater equity in service delivery, and increase trust in local institutions.

Workforce Equity Study. On May 11, 2021, during a joint Study Session, the City Council and Public Utility Board were presented with a final workforce equity study report that provides a detailed look at the organization's employment data, including the geographic area from which it hires, its outreach and hiring practices, and employee advancement, retention and inclusion. The report also offers insights gleaned from interviews and focus groups with City employees.


Concluded Community Events

Community Invited to Meet the Tacoma Police Chief Finalists

Join us at this virtual event and meet our Tacoma Police Chief finalists. Learn more about the candidates on the Police Chief Recruitment page.

December 7, 2020

Event begins at 6 PM
Click this link to join. 

Event ID: 876 3649 3418
Passcode: 573265
You can also join by calling (253) 215-8782. 

The event will also air live on TV Tacoma, which can be streamed at tvtacoma.com or watched on your television on Click! (via Rainier Connect) in High Definition on Channel 512 or in Standard Definition on Channel 12 within the Tacoma City limits and in Pierce County. In the City of University Place our Standard Definition Channel is 21 or on Comcast, in High Definition on Channel 321 in Tacoma and Pierce County.  Our Standard Definition Channel is 12 within the Tacoma City limits and Channel 21 in Pierce County. TV Tacoma is not available on the Comcast system in University Place.


Community Conversation on the Chief of Police Recruitment on October 29, 2020

We want to hear your thoughts on the recruitment for our next Police Chief. Please join us for a presentation on the recruitment, learn how you can participate, and to give us feedback on what is important to you. We also want to gather community input that will inform the development of interview questions for candidates.   

Event Details: 
October 29, 2020
6 – 7:15 PM
Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83545753757?pwd=VFcxRmR1VUR5d1BJT3A5ZkFEWFBhZz09 
Event ID: 835 4575 3757
Passcode: 758963
Call in: (253) 215-8782


For more information on this process, visit our Police Chief Recruitment web page.


Community Conversation Discussing Body-Worn Cameras for Tacoma Police 

A community conversation was held on August 13, 2020 and was titled "Body-Worn Cameras for Tacoma Police: A Community Conversation" and anyone from the community was invited to attend.

Starting in January 2021, the City of Tacoma will begin to require Body-Worn Cameras to be worn by the Tacoma Police Department (all uniform and police officers). Body-Worn Cameras are used by law enforcement to record interactions (both audio and visual) with the community and to gather video evidence at crime scenes.


At this Community Conversation, hosted by Tacoma's Community's Police Advisory Committee (CPAC), the City of Tacoma gave a presentation on Body-Worn Cameras and then the attendees broke out into groups to provide feedback on the program.


Stay Connected and Informed

Subscribe to this web page for opportunities to engage with us on this and other work relating to the City Council's priorities.
