Chris Bacha, City Attorney
The City Attorney's Office acts as legal adviser to the City Council, the City Manager, and all officers, departments, and boards for the City.
Elizabeth Pauli, City Manager The role of the City Manager’s Office is to work with the City Council and City Departments to ensure effective implementation of the City's policies.
Tanja Carter, Director
The Community and Economic Development Department works to establish Tacoma as a destination city by attracting investment that builds a vibrant economy, strengthens the heart of the city, and enhances neighborhood livability.
Geoffrey M. Smyth, Interim Director
Environmental Services protects and restores natural resources by keeping our city clean, safe, and livable through garbage and recycling pickup, wastewater treatment, household hazardous waste disposal, protection from storm water pollution, and many additional services.
The mission of the Office of Equity and Human Rights (OEHR) is to achieve equity in our service delivery, decision making and community engagement.
View the Office of Equity and Human Rights web page
Andy Cherullo, Director The Finance Department provides financial expertise and services that support the City's governing bodies in establishing strategic goals and policies and ensuring financial accountability to the citizens, businesses, taxpayers, and ratepayers.
Sionna Stallings-Ala'ilima, Fire Chief The Tacoma Fire Department’s mission is to protect people, property, and the environment.
Jeff H. Capell, Director The Office of the Hearing Examiner is charged with conducting fair and impartial administrative hearings in many types of cases identified in the Code. These include contested hearings on appeals and public hearings regarding proposed developments.
Shelby Fritz, Director The Human Resources Department assists City departments in developing and maintaining a qualified, effective, and diverse workforce. The Department also provides employment-related services to the City's employees and job applicants.
Katie Johnston, Interim Director
The Neighborhood and Community Services Department works to build healthy and successful neighborhoods and households through the protection of human rights, code enforcement, community problem-solving, and indirect and direct services which include human services and services for the elderly and youth.