Project Description
The Pacific Avenue/SR 7 Corridor Improvement project is located along Pacific Avenue/SR 7 between South 34th Street and South 96th Street. This project will improve the visibility of traffic signal heads and will provide upgrades to signal infrastructure by installing accessible countdown pedestrian signals and push buttons and improving crosswalks and signage at the following intersections:
- Pacific Ave. /SR 7 & S. 34th St.
- Pacific Ave. /SR 7 & S. 46th St.
- Pacific Ave. /SR 7 & S. 48th St.
- Pacific Ave. /SR 7 & S. 76th St.
The project will also install ADA compliant curb ramps at the Pacific Avenue/SR 7 and S. 48th Street intersection.
In addition, the project will improve the phasing, timing, and coordination between signals at signalized intersections within the project area. The project will implement a leading pedestrian interval at designated school crossings such as Pacific Avenue/SR 7 and South 46th Street and other high crossing locations as warranted.
Project Updates
A contract was awarded to Transportation Systems, Inc. of Sumner, WA for the infrastructure improvements on Pacific Avenue/SR 7 at South 34th, 46th, 48th, and 76th.
Project Funding Update
Federal Highway Safety Improvement Grant |
$945,166 |
City of Tacoma Funding |
$310,000 |
Project Schedule
Design Completed |
April 2019
Advertising & Award Completed
April - June 2019 |
Construction |
February - May 2020 |
Additional Information
For additional information, contact Public Works Engineering Project Manager, Basel Kitmitto, at or at (253) 591-5448.