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Electric Vehicles

Electric Vehicles in Tacoma

City of Tacoma encourages increase electric vehicle (EV) use City-wide as part of its commitment to address climate change. 


The City’s 2030 Climate Action Plan is clear “Our climate has reached a point of crisis. Here we are living through unprecedented heat, extreme downpours, wildfire smoke, and other impacts, with their severity increasing year-by-year.”  In the 2019 Tacoma Greenhouse Gas Inventory, transportation was the single largest sector, accounting for 44% of Tacoma’s emissions.


EV Charging Projects and Resources

Among the many Transportation Electrification innovations the City and Tacoma Power are working on includes the Downtown Charging Expansion Project in public parking lots and garages.


Tacoma has been active for over a decade in expanding availability of public charging stations for use by EV drivers. EV charging infrastructure for private projects, public parking, and Right-Of-Ways are a City priority.



EV Charging Locations

In addition to the City’s public stations, there are fee-based Level 2 networked stations at more than 40 Tacoma business locations. Payment is typically via mobile phone app or a member RFID card; some stations accept direct payment with a credit card. Free memberships available with major network brands serving Tacoma and elsewhere.

Fast Charging stations are available at least five business locations in Tacoma; typically, near highway corridors, many more are due to be available. More info at: National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Program (NEVI), and WA State Plan for Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Deployment.


City-Owned Charging Locations

Electric Vehicle Charger

There are many publicly accessible charging stations throughout Tacoma located on City-owned property and adjacent to businesses. The City owns and operates a number of electric vehicle charging stations available at the following locations: 

  • Tacoma Garage at A Street, 110 S 10th St.
  •  Park Plaza North Garage, 923 Commerce St.
  •  Pacific Plaza Garage, 1137 Commerce St.
  • Convention Center, 1552 & 1538 Commerce St.
  • Museum of Glass, 1801 Dock St.
  • Center for Urban Waters, 303 & 326 East D St.
  • Old town Substation, 222 N 30th St.
  • TPU Headquarters, 3418 S Washington St.

StreetSide charging can also be found at these 13 locations.


Rates at City-Owned Charging Stations

$.25 rates per kilowatt hour for Level 2 charging, and $.40 per kilowatt hour for DCFC (Level 3) fast charging.


Parking Fees: Garage, lot, and streetside parking may have separate parking fees. Time limits may apply. For more info about those owned by City: Tacoma Parking: products and services.


Climate Action Plan

The Tacoma 2030 Climate Action Plan calls for increasing the use of active transportation, transit, transportation electrification, and renewable energy so that our air can be free of pollution and healthy. It’s a set of 2021-2024 Actions for a Better & More Just Tacoma, including:

  • Incentivize active transportation, transit, car sharing, and electric vehicles, and reduce parking minimums in new developments (#20)
  • Fund electric vehicle and bicycle programs (#21)

One of the key Indicator Targets for 2030 is: “Increase public electric vehicle charging stations by 5 times, especially in low and very low opportunity equity neighborhoods, from 2020 baseline of 40 locations (of which 23 are in low & every low opportunity areas). 

Significantly, transportation electrification technology is expanding rapidly – there are now over 80 makes and models of electric vehicles and more jobs in clean energy than in fossil fuels across the countryTacoma is a leader in acquiring and using electric vehicles; between 2015 and 2020, registration of EVs increased by more than 260% (from 383 to 1410).
