In 2009 the City Council adopted Resolution Number 37916 which states, "A Resolution relating to the City's street design; endorsing the creation and ongoing development of Tacoma's Complete Streets Design Guidelines; and directing the City Manager to implement the Mixed-use Centers Complete Streets Design Guidelines and the Residential Complete Streets Design Guidelines."
Different types of streets serve different needs, users and destinations, and should be designed accordingly. The City’s Complete Streets Guidelines include a range of street typologies tailored to the goals, functions and typical conditions found in different areas of the City.
Posted below are the approved documents.
What are complete streets?
Complete Streets is a nationally recognized term referring to streets and sidewalks that are designed, operated and maintained to enable safe and convenient access and travel for all users – pedestrians, bicyclists, transit riders, and people of all ages and abilities, as well as freight and motor vehicle drivers. Complete streets also foster a sense of place in the public realm and incorporate green features including trees, landscaping and, in some cases, low impact development stormwater features.
Complete streets principles support multiple City policy priorities, including the City’s Transportation policies, the recommendations of the Green Ribbon Task Force on Climate Change, the City’s Downtown, Mixed-use Centers and residential goals, the City Manager’s Make Tacoma Safe and Clean Initiative and others. “Complete” city streets means providing walkable, transit and bicycle-oriented streets and sidewalks that safely and comfortably accommodate users of all ages and abilities. A complete street provides a broad range of benefits, including public health and safety improvements; supporting land use and growth goals; supporting neighborhoods and businesses; and, fostering a healthier environment.
For additional information on complete streets, two good sources are Complete Streets and Walkable.