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Tideflats Subarea Plan

Tideflats Subarea Planning Project


Tideflats Subarea Plan reaches critical milestone with unanimous recommendation from the Tideflats Steering Committee.


On December 5, 2024 the Tideflats Steering Committee, comprised of elected representatives from the City of Tacoma, Puyallup Tribe of Indians, Port of Tacoma, Pierce County, and the City of Fife, unanimously voted to recommend a Draft Tideflats Subarea Plan for adoption by the City of Tacoma.


The Steering Committee's recommendation will be transmitted to the City Council and Tacoma Planning Commission. The Planning Commission will conduct a public hearing and comment period in early 2025 and is expected to provide their recommendations to the City Council in Spring 2025, followed by City Council consideration and possible adoption in Summer 2025.


Draft Tideflats Subarea Plan

Letter of Recommendation


The Tideflats Subarea Plan is a unique and innovative plan. It creates a shared vision among five governments that balances industrial growth with environmental protection, community needs, and the long-term resilience of the region. It is a model for future planning in industrial areas that can inspire other areas facing similar challenges.


Specific aspects include:

  • Balancing Industrial Success with Environmental Restoration: Plan policies called for coordinated actions and investments to restore ecosystems, improve water quality, and protect biodiversity alongside industrial development.
  • Indigenous Values: The Plan honors both the natural and cultural landscapes of the region. Policies and action recognize the Puyallup Tribe’s rights and interests in the Tideflats and ensure that any development respects their cultural, economic, and environmental connections to the land.
  • Comprehensive Climate Action: The Plan’s policies integrate climate resilience strategies, with specific actions around decarbonization goals, adaptive measures for sea-level rise, and restoration of natural habitats.
  • Economic and Industrial Adaptation: The Plan supports economic flexibility by preserving core industrial uses and encouraging industries that meet environmental goals and facilitate innovation in clean energy. It demonstrates how a world class Port can thrive alongside growing urban neighborhoods.
  • Transportation and Infrastructure Innovations: The Plan takes a holistic approach to transportation infrastructure, promoting proactive investments in multimodal transportation systems that support both the industrial sector and the surrounding community. It also incorporates green infrastructure solutions to mitigate pollution and improve the urban landscape as well as public access to the waterfront.
  • Collaboration and Stakeholder Engagement: The Plan was developed through a seven-year long collaborative process that set up ongoing dialogue among local governments, tribes, businesses, and residents, fostering shared accountability and coordinated problem-solving for long-term implementation.


Project Overview

The Tideflats subarea planning process is intended to create a shared long-term vision and more coordinated approach to development, environmental review, and strategic capital investments in the Tideflats. Completion of the subarea plan will support the ongoing eligibility for and prioritization of transportation funding in the regional manufacturing and industrial center.


The overarching themes for the subarea planning process will include:

  • Economic Prosperity for All
  • Environmental Remediation and Protection
  • Transportation and Capital Facilities Planning
  • Public Participation and Outreach

See the Tideflats Subarea Work Plan for more detailed information on anticipated planning outcomes.




Environmental Impact Statement

Public Comment Period Closed - Tideflats Subarea Plan Draft Environmental Impact Statement

The Public Comment period for the Draft Environmental Impact Statement closed on May 23, 2024. Thank you to everyone who provided comments at this time. Response to public comments will be incorporated into the Final Environmental Impact Statement. Additional public comment opportunities will be forthcoming for the Draft Subarea Plan.

Below are links to the Tideflats DEIS documents:


Determination of Significance

The City of Tacoma has determined that the Tacoma Tideflats Subarea Plan is likely to have a significant adverse environmental impact. An EIS under RCW 43.21C.030(2) (c) will be prepared.

Scoping and Alternatives

On October 18, 2022, the City Council affirmed the Steering Committee's recommended Alternatives as the basis for the Plan and EIS. The Alternatives include a No Action Alternative and three Action Alternatives. It is anticipated that the alternatives will be based on variations of elements such as the mix of industrial zoning and land uses, employment growth scenarios, transition areas, housing types and location, sea level rise adaptation strategies, fish and wildlife habitat restoration, and shoreline public access and recreation.

For purposes of the No Action Alternative, it is assumed that development would occur within the Tacoma Tideflats Subarea based on existing zoning and development standards. Development or redevelopment that is proposed within the Tacoma Tideflats Subarea in conjunction with the No Action Alternative would undergo environmental review on a project-by-project basis. Such projects would be subject to site-specific mitigation and potential SEPA-based appeals.


Project Updates and Milestone Status

Tentative Steering Committee Schedule

The Tideflats Steering Committee is conducting monthly meetings to develop a draft Subarea Plan.

  • December 14 @ 3:00 PM: Public Access and Recreation
  • January 11 @ 3:00 PM: Brownfields and Remediation
  • February 8 @ 3:00 PM: Sea Level Rise
  • March 14 @ 3:00 PM: Draft Environmental Impact Statement Review
  • April 11 @ 3:00 PM: Environment, Health and Tribal Assets
  • May 9 @ 3:00 PM: Land Use and Economic Development
  • June 13 @ 3:00 PM: Transportation
  • July 11 @ 3:00 PM: Draft Plan Review and Recommendation


Community Informational Meeting Held on June 6, 2022

Thank you to everyone who attended the informational meeting on June 6, 2022, to learn about the Tideflats Subarea Plan and the upcoming SEPA Scoping Process. If you were unable to attend, you can review the presentation or watch the recording here:  


Steering Committee 

On March 24, 2022 the Steering Committee recommended Preliminary Alternatives for the EIS Scoping phase of the process. 

Steering Committee 

On August 12, 2021 the Steering Committee reviewed the consultant report summary of key findings from the Community Visioning Process. 

Steering Committee and Tideflats Advisory Group

On March 11, 2021 the Steering Committee met jointly with the Tideflats Advisory Group to review and provide feedback on the draft Baseline Conditions Report. 

Steering Committee

On July 9, 2020 the Steering Committee approved the Public Engagement Plan for the Subarea planning process. 

Steering Committee

As a follow-up to the July 9 Steering Committee meeting, the intergovernmental Staff Leadership Team has provided the following briefing memo in lieu of a meeting on August 13, 2020. The memo is in response to the Steering Committee's request to explore options to expedite the review and replacement of the Tideflats Interim Regulations.

Staff Briefing Memo (July 31, 2020)


Steering Committee meeting May 14, 2020 

The Tideflats Steering Committee met to discuss project impacts resulting from COVID-19. 


Planning Commission meeting March 4, 2020

The Planning Commission provided input on engagement goals and strategies on March 4, 2020.  


Tideflats Advisory Group meeting February 20, 2020

The Tideflats Advisory Group met on February 20, 2020 to begin discussions to develop a public engagement plan for the Tideflats process. 


Steering Committee meeting Nov. 7, 2019

The Steering Committee met to review and recommend a consultant for the Tideflats Subarea Plan. The recommendation is provided to the Tacoma City Council.


February 8, 2019

The Tideflats Subarea Plan Steering Committee approved the following Work Plan and supporting documents: 

September 25, 2018

On September 25, 2018, the City Council adopted a resolution approving the City of Tacoma to enter into an Intergovernmental Agreement concerning cost sharing for the Tideflats Subarea Plan. The resolution also directed the City Manager to work with the indicated partners to develop a mutually satisfactory subarea planning and approval process no later than 60 days after the agreement is signed by all indicated parties. 


Read Resolution No. 40113


November 21, 2017:

The City Council adopted Ordinance No. 28470 Tideflats Interim Regulations for an initial one-year period. To learn more, visit the Interim Regulations web page.


May 9, 2017:

The Tacoma City Council adopted Resolution No. 39723 initiating a subarea planning process for the Port of Tacoma/Tideflats.


Past Event Recordings

Community Visioning Report Out 

Listen to the Community Visioning Report Out below or review our summary of the Visioning Process here: Community Visioning Engagement Summary



Online Survey and Community Visioning Sessions

As an early step in the planning process, we wanted to hear your thoughts on what kind of future you want to see in the Tideflats. We hosted an online survey in the Spring 2021.


We also held three educational vision sessions on March 17, 18 and 20, 2021. Thank you to everyone who attended these virtual community events. You can watch the recordings under the Visioning Session below. 


Visioning Session: Land Use & Economic Development  

Wednesday, March 17, 2021 from noon to 1 PM




Visioning Session: Environment & Health 

Thursday, March 18 from 6-7 p.m.  



Visioning Session: Transportation and Infrastructure

Saturday, March 20 from noon to 1 p.m. 




Tideflats Kick-Off Meeting

English Version




Spanish Version





Ongoing Engagement Opportunities 

Tideflats Steering Committee


The Tideflats Steering Committee consists of two elected leaders from each of the participating governments as outlined in the Intergovernmental Agreement.  The governments that are members of the Steering Committee include the City of Tacoma, the City of Fife, the Puyallup Tribe of Indians, the Port of Tacoma, and Pierce County.  The Tideflats subarea planning process will include regular consultation and information sharing with the Steering Committee, and the Steering Committee will be responsible for developing an initial draft Subarea Plan for consideration by the Tacoma Planning Commission and the City Council.

The Steering Committee is comprised of the following membership:

•  Victoria Woodards, Mayor, City of Tacoma
•  Kristina Walker, Council Member, City of Tacoma
•  Bill Sterud, Chair, Puyallup Tribe of Indians
•  Annette Bryan, Councilmember, Puyallup Tribe of Indians
•  Dick Marzano, Commissioner, Port of Tacoma
•  Deanna Keller, Commission President, Port of Tacoma
•  Bruce Dammeier, County Executive, Pierce County
•  Ryan Mello, Council Chair, Pierce County
•  Kim Roscoe, Mayor, City of Fife 
•  Bryan Yambe, Council Member, City of Fife



Meetings and Agendas 

To attend upcoming Tideflats Steering Committee meetings, please use the following information:

•  In Person: Fabulich Center, 3600 Port of Tacoma Road, Tacoma WA 98424

•  Virtually: Microsoft Teams; Meeting ID: 228 602 641 661, Passcode: snfenG 

•  Dial In: +1 253 617 4257; Phone Conference ID: 172 195 188#


Meeting Date Agenda Packet Recording Presentations

June 20, 2019

Agenda Packet
Audio Handouts
November 7, 2019  Agenda Packet


May 14, 2020 N/A Video N/A
July 9, 2020 Agenda Packet N/A Presentation
November 12, 2020 Agenda Packet N/A N/A
January 14, 2021 Agenda Packet Audio Presentation
March 11, 2021 (Joint meeting with Tideflats Advisory Group)  Agenda Video Presentation
August 12, 2021 Agenda Packet


January 13, 2022 Agenda Packet


March 24, 2022 Agenda Packet


November 10, 2022 Agenda Audio Presentation
November 9, 2023 Agenda Packet Audio Presentation
December 14, 2023 Agenda Packet Audio Presentation
January 11, 2024 Agenda Audio  Presentation
February 8, 2024 Agenda N/A Presentation 
March 14, 2024 Agenda Packet N/A Presentation
April 24, 2024 Agenda Packet N/A  Presentation
June 13, 2024  Agenda Packet Video Presentation
July 11, 2024 Agenda Video Presentation
August 8, 2024 Agenda   Presentation
September 12, 2024 Agenda   Presentation
October 10, 2024 Agenda   Presentation
December 5, 2024 at 3:00 p.m.  Agenda Packet    


Tideflats Advisory Group


The Tideflats Advisory Group (TAG) will act as a "sounding board" for policy discussions, providing support to the Steering Committee and City of Tacoma during their respective parts of the process.  In addition to its role as a sounding board, the TAG members will serve as liaisons to the broader stakeholder groups they represent.


The TAG is intended to reflect a broad and diverse representation of interests and perspectives on the future development of the Tideflats area. The composition of the TAG was agreed to by the Steering Committee in the Work Plan. 


TAG meetings will be open to the public. 


Tideflats Advisory Group Membership


Meetings and Agendas

To attend upcoming Tideflats Advisory Group meetings, please use the following information:


Meeting Date  Agenda Packet Meeting Summary Presentations
February 20, 2020 Agenda



March 12, 2020 Cancelled    
October 28, 2020 Agenda Packet
February 18, 2021 Agenda    
March 11, 2021 (Joint Meeting with Steering Committee) Agenda



April 15, 2021 Agenda Packet
September 16, 2021 Agenda Summary Presentation
October 14, 2021
Audio Presentation
June 2, 2022   Audio Presentation
June 23, 2022
Audio Presentation
February 22, 2023   Audio  
March 23, 2023   Audio
April 26, 2023   Audio  
June 28, 2023   Audio Presentation
August 23, 2023   Audio  
March 28, 2024   Audio Presentation
April 18, 2024   Audio Presentation
May 2, 2024   Audio  
June 6, 2024   Audio  
August 1, 2024   Audio Presentation
September 26, 2024   Audio Presentation
October 3, 2024 (Joint Meeting with Steering Committee)




Environmental, Cultural and Economic Importance

The Tideflats is a unique environment containing shoreline, river deltas, tidal creeks, freshwater and salt marshes, naturalized creeks, and river channel corridors.


With an area of over 5,000 acres of waterfront land providing vital saltwater and estuarian habitat for salmon, shellfish and other marine life, the Tideflats is an economic center that includes industrial and manufacturing and maritime activity in a world class port and is the ancestral lands of the Puyallup Tribe of Indians.


The area is also designated as the Port of Tacoma Manufacturing Industrial Center (MIC). The MIC is home to Tacoma and Pierce County’s highest concentration of industrial and manufacturing activity and is the work site for about 9,800 employees.

In recognition of the regional significance of the MIC, the City of Tacoma, Port of Tacoma, Puyallup Tribe of Indians, City of Fife, and Pierce County have partnered to develop a Tideflats Subarea Plan for adoption by the City of Tacoma as part of the City’s Comprehensive Plan.


Geographic boundaries

The Plan area is based on the current Port of Tacoma Manufacturing Industrial Center (MIC) which is defined both in the Puget Sound Regional Council’s VISION 2040 as well as the City of Tacoma Comprehensive Plan.  However, studies and recommendations from the Plan process will likely extend beyond this Plan area, including the lands immediately adjacent to the MIC and depending on the topic under review (air and water quality, traffic impacts, freight corridors, land use transitions, economic impacts and strategies, etc.).


Planning for the Future

The Subarea Plan process will provide:

  • Potential text and map amendments to other elements of the City’s Comprehensive Plan
  • Potential Amendments to the City’s Land Use Regulatory Code
  • Potential amendments to City Zoning districts
  • Amendments to the Shoreline Master Program
  • Information to support local and regional Capital Facilities Programs
  • An environmental impact statement (EIS).


Frequently Asked Questions:

What State laws or planning requirements affect the subarea and development of the Subarea Plan?

The State of Washington has multiple layers of policies that come into play when developing a subarea plan. The Tideflats Subarea Plan must be consistent with the following:

  • State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) environmental review
  • Growth Management Act (GMA)
  • Shoreline Management Act (SMA)
  • The Puyallup Land Claims Settlement
  • The Container Port Element and elements for certification of a Manufacturing and Industrial Center (MIC) by the Puget Sound Regional Council (PRSC)

How long will it take to complete the Tideflats Subarea Plan?

A Draft Subarea Plan and Final Environmental Impact Statement are anticipated to be completed by the end of 2022. 


Once completed, the Tideflats Subarea Plan (TSAP) Steering Committee will provide the City's Planning Commission with a recommendation on the Draft Subarea Plan. The City legislative process for approval of the Comprehensive Plan Amendment will then begin. This includes Planning Commission review and recommendation followed by City Council review and action. This legislative process could take up to an additional year.

Who approves the Tideflats Subarea Plan?

In accordance with the Comprehensive Plan, One Tacoma, the City Council has approval authority for the subarea plan.


In some cases, additional approvals or certifications may be required after the Council approves the plan. Any modifications to the City’s Shoreline Master Program, for example, must be reviewed and approved by the State Department of Ecology before those modifications take effect. In addition, the City must receive plan certification from the Puget Sound Regional Council to maintain transportation grant eligibility.


What is the Role of the Steering Committee and who is represented on it?

The Tideflats Subarea Plan is being jointly funded and developed through an interlocal agreement between the City of Tacoma, the Port of Tacoma, Puyallup Tribe of Indians, Pierce County and City of Fife. The Steering Committee is  comprised of two elected officials from each the partner governments. The role of the Steering Committee is to develop and recommend a draft Subarea Plan to the City of Tacoma Planning Commission and to provide continued comment and feedback throughout the City adoption process.

What is the role of the Tideflats Advisory Group and who is represented on it?

The Tideflats Work Plan specifies the stakeholder group, called the Tideflats Advisory Group (TAG), to include adjacent jurisdictions, neighborhood councils, business and industry professionals, labor groups, environmental subject matter experts and regional economic professionals. 


How can I provide comment during development of the Tideflats Subarea Plan?

The Tideflats Subarea Plan (TSAP) will be developed through an extensive public process. There will be opportunities for public comment on the scope of work and environmental review, opportunities to provide feedback on specific studies and plan proposals, and both the Planning Commission and City Council will conduct a public hearing on a Draft Subarea Plan.


The TSAP Steering Committee approved a Public Engagement Plan (PEP) that will guide outreach and engagement efforts and strategies.

Is the Northeast Tacoma Buffer Zone application being considered in the Tideflats Subarea Plan?

Yes, the application will be considered within the scope of work for the planning process. In March, 2017, the Northeast Tacoma Neighborhood Council submitted an application to amend the Comprehensive Plan and Land Use Regulatory Code to implement a buffer zone between the residential areas of Northeast Tacoma and the industrial tideflats along Marine View Drive. On May 9, 2017, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 39723, initiating the subarea planning process for the Tideflats. In addition, this Resolution directed staff to consolidate the application within the broader scope of work for the Tideflats Subarea Plan.


Does the Growth Management Act contemplate planning for ports?

In 2009, the Washington State Legislature amended the Growth Management Act (RCW 36.70A.085) to include a requirement for a Container Port Element in the Comprehensive Plan for cities that contain a marine container port with annual operating revenues in excess of $60 million. The City of Tacoma falls into this category.

Accordingly, the City of Tacoma, in collaboration with the Port of Tacoma, adopted a Container Port Element within the Comprehensive Plan in 2014. The element provides policy guidance to achieve the following:

  • Protection of core areas of container port and port-related industrial areas within the City;
  • Efficient access to the core area through freight corridors within the city limits;
  • Protection against potential land use conflicts along the edge of the core area; and
  • Identification of key transportation corridor improvements.

The Container Port Element is available on the City’s One Tacoma Comprehensive Plan webpage at cityoftacoma.org/onetacoma

What are the Interim Regulations and how are the Interim Regulations associated with the Tideflats Subarea Plan?

On November 21, 2017 the Tacoma City Council adopted Amended Ordinance No. 28470, establishing interim regulations for the Tideflats and other industrial zoning districts. The intent of the Interim Regulations is primarily to put a pause on certain land use and development that could impact the subarea planning process, and to maintain abaseline of use and development for review for the subarea plan Environmental Impact Statement(EIS).


As part of the recent extension of the Interim Regulations, the City Council directed the Planning Commission to reconsider the issues, update findings of fact, and provide a new recommendation to the City Council for land use code amendments that would replace the interim ordinance. For more information on this process, please visit, cityoftacoma.org/tideflatsinterim

Why is an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) included in the subarea planning process?

By including the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) in the subarea planning process, we can streamline implementation of projects that align with the approved subarea plan.


An EIS is prepared when a public agency proposes an action, such as adoption of a subarea plan, and determines that this action may result in significant adverse impacts. The EIS is a document that provides an impartial discussion of potential impacts of the proposal and measures to address those impacts. The EIS process provides public review and comment on the topics to be studied in the EIS (referred to as the scoping process) and on the Draft EIS findings.

Tideflats MIC

Tideflats MIC


Planning Contact

Stephen Atkinson
Principal Planner



Get Involved!

Join the Tideflats Listserv




•  Plan and EIS Alternatives

•  Baseline Conditions Report

•  Community Visioning Report

•  Public Engagement Plan

•  Shoreline Public Access Issue Paper

•  Brownfields and Remediation Issue Paper

•  Sea Level Rise Issue Paper

•  Environment, Health, & Tribal Assets

•   Economic Development Issue Paper

•  Land Use Worksheets

•  Land Use and Zoning Concept



Work Plan 

•  Work Plan

•  Plan Process

•  Budget

•  Milestones

•  Tideflats FAQs


