Urban Design Studio staff strive to provide an excellent and expeditious UDPR process. Things that help staff achieve this goal include:
- Communicating early and coordinating with Urban Design Studio staff before to any major design work begins.
- Providing the required application materials with the initial submittal. See application checklists below and the UDPR Application Guide.
- Providing a strong narrative clearly describing how the proposed development meets each of the seven Design Objectives.
Step 1: Pre-Application Consultation
Potential UDPR applicants are required to hold a pre-application consultation with Urban Design Studio staff. This meeting has several purposes:
- It is expected that at this meeting the applicant introduces the project at the earliest possible juncture and discusses their approach to meeting the UDPR Design Objectives.
- It also provides the applicant an opportunity to learn from staff about the required review process and application requirements.
- Further, this is an important point in the design process for staff to provide early feedback regarding the applicable design guidelines, and to help identify any unique design considerations or local design issues of which the applicant should be aware.
Pre-Application Submittal Checklist
Step 2: Conceptual Design Review
To initiate a formal UDPR review (either Administrative or Urban Design Board), the applicant submits a Concept Design application package. Minimum application requirements are outlined in the UDPR Application (available soon).
Concept Design Review Submittal Checklist
Following the review of the Concept Design materials, a report summarizing either the Administrative Review staff’s response and guidance, or the Urban Design Board’s review response and guidance for the project’s final design will be provided to the applicant.
Applications subject to Urban Design Board review track will include one public meeting at the Concept Design review step. Public notice will be provided ahead of the public meeting and will explain how comments can be submitted for the record before the public meeting date.
Step 3: Final Design Review
The applicant must submit a complete Final Design application package within one (1) year of receiving their Concept Design Guidance Report, or a new UDPR application will need to be submitted. The Final Design must be responsive to the guidance provided in the Guidance Report. Once the application is deemed complete, the Final Design application will be approved (with or without conditions) or denied.
Final Design Review Submittal Checklist
Developments subject to Urban Design Board approval will be reviewed and a decision will be rendered at the next available Urban Design Board meeting.
Step 4: Approval
A UDPR application will be approved if the following are met:
- The proposed development complies with applicable development and design standards (except where departures are granted) in the Tacoma Municipal Code.
- The application is found to meet each of the seven Design Objectives. Determining this includes consideration of the application’s incorporation of relevant Design Guidelines and the Final Design’s responsiveness to the Concept Design Guidance Report.