The Sustainable Tacoma Commission works with the Office of Environmental Policy and Sustainability, which is responsible for implementing the strategies in the 2030 Climate Action Plan and measuring the city’s progress as it reduces greenhouse gas emissions. Both the Office and the Commission were created by a City Council resolution in October 2008.
The Sustainable Tacoma Commission consists of thirteen members who are appointed by the Mayor and City Council. Membership is a balanced representation of stakeholders, such as the environmental community, small business, labor, housing, port, transportation, education, building industry, and residents.
Matthew Benedict |
April 2025 |
Alexandra Brewer
April 2027 |
Stasha Burpee |
April 2027 |
Michael Chang
April 2026 |
Evlondo Cooper
April 2025
John Doherty |
April 2025 |
Sheena Hewett |
April 2026 |
Joy Muhammad |
April 2027 |
Youth Seat |
Margaret Schwertner
April 2027 |
Laura Svancarek
April 2026
Casey Twiggs |
April 2026 |
Lowell Wyse |
April 2026 |
Duties and Responsibilities
The purpose of the Sustainable Tacoma Commission is to bring
community accountability, transparency, and vigilance to the long-term
implementation of Tacoma’s 2030 Climate Action Plan, and to oversee,
coordinate, communicate, and encourage public involvement regarding
sustainability initiatives as are consistent with the City’s vision and
definition of sustainability.
Staff Support
Staffing support to the Sustainable Tacoma Commission is provided by the City's Office of Environmental Policy and Sustainability.
Additional Information