The Washington State Single-Use Plastic Bag Ban Begins October 1, 2021
Grocery, convenience, retail stores and restaurants are prohibited from distributing single-use plastic carry-out bags or free paper bags at checkout. Customers are encouraged to bring their own reusable bags.
This state-wide law supersedes the City of Tacoma Bring Your Own Bag ordinance. While Tacoma’s old ordinance and the new state-wide ban share the same goal of reducing plastic pollution, there are notable differences:
- The state-wide minimum fee for a new paper or heavy reusable plastic bag is 8 cents.
- “Compostable” bags are not accepted in Tacoma’s food and yard waste bins even though the state-wide ban allows retailers to distribute them.
- Resources for retailers, including “frequently asked questions” and outreach toolkits are provided by the Department of Ecology and are available in multiple languages.
- Complaints about non-compliant businesses can be submitted directly to the Department of Ecology: ecology.wa.gov/bagban.
What hasn’t changed:
- Everyone is encouraged to bring their own bags when shopping but people with EBT, WIC or TANF benefits do not have to pay the fee when they receive a paper checkout bag.
- The bag ban does not apply to food banks.
- Retailers can provide disposable plastic bags for produce, bulk foods, and meat.
- Restaurants can provide disposable plastic bags for prepared take-out foods and liquids intended for consumption outside of the establishment.
- Carry-out paper bags must contain at least 40% post-consumer recycled fiber and be labeled as such.
- Carry-out reusable plastic bags must be 2.25 mils thick.
Read more about the Washington State single-use plastic bag ban.