• City of Tacoma QA
  • City of Tacoma OpenData



Solid Waste Container Tags

Oops! Solid Waste customers whose garbage, recycling, or food/yard waste containers have a problem may receive a brightly colored warning tag, like those pictured below.


If your container has been tagged, be sure to review both sides of the tag to learn more about why your container was tagged. Click on the corresponding tag below to learn more about how to resolve the issue(s) and ensure your waste is collected responsibly and on-time.

For other questions and information about your specific container tag, please call (253) 502-2100 or email solidwaste@cityoftacoma.org.


Recycling  Recycling Garbage 
Call 2 Haul Final Notice  


For additional questions about container tags, call (253) 502-2100 or email solidwaste@cityoftacoma.org.
