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Office of Environmental Policy and Sustainability

The Office of Environmental Policy and Sustainability (OEPS) works to develop, promote, and implement sustainable practices in Tacoma through education, community partnerships, and performance management.


Discover OEPS programs and projects below:


Tacoma CAP Web Banner

Environmental Policies
Education and Outreach
Sustainability Small Grant
Urban Forestry
Green Building
Waste Prevention
Sustainable Tacoma Commission


News and Announcements


Call for Community-Based Organizations: City of Tacoma Resilience Hubs Community Needs Assessment (October 10, 2024)


The call for CBOs will now be accepted on a rolling basis. The project period will be a max of 9 months and interested CBOs must email dmorris@cityoftacoma.org with their ‘Statement of Interest’ as soon as possible. Funding will be awarded on a rolling basis until filled. Read more and apply.


Awards and Accomplishments

City Council Adopts Climate Action Plan
In November 2021, Tacoma City Council unanimously adopted Resolution 40878, committing the City of Tacoma to implement the 2030 Tacoma Climate Action Plan (CAP). Based on a 14-month input process involving over 1,000 community members, the Plan sets Tacoma on a path for a carbon-neutral community by 2050, with proposed investments in healthy, affordable housing; clean, reliable transportation; protections for public health; and good-paying, green jobs by 2050. 


OEPS Celebrates the 50th Anniversary of Earth Day
OEPS joined a number of Pierce County community organizations to create "Earth Day South Sound", a program which engaged residents in a year-long tree appreciation campaign in honor of the 50th Anniversary of Earth Day.

City Council Adopts the Urban Forest Management Plan
In December 2019, City Council adopted Resolution No. 40492, which outlines specific actions City government and community partners will take over the next ten years to properly manage our urban forest and increase civic engagement, community pride, and the quality of life for all Tacomans.


City Council Adopts Climate Emergency Resolution
In December 2019, City Council adopted Resolution No. 40509, declaring a climate emergency in Tacoma, and affirming Council’s support of initiatives that mitigate impacts. 

OEPS Celebrates First Graduates of Environmental Services Certification Program
This Environmental Services Certification Program is a partnership with the Tacoma School District designed to prepare Tacoma high schoolers for entry level positions in green jobs, while earning school credit.


City Launches “Stewardship at Work”
The OEPS Resource Conservation Management team launched “Stewardship at Work,” a new pilot program for City of Tacoma employees aimed to engage employees to lead by example in establishing conservation best practices at work that foster effective changes.


OEPS Launches Sustainability Small Grant Program
New in 2018, the Environmental Services Department began offering Sustainability Small Grants of up to for $5,000 to non-profit organizations and Tacoma residents with projects or events that protect and restore our local environment and quality of life.


Tacoma Pledges to Reduce Fleet Emissions
The City and Tacoma Public Utilities (TPU) signed the West Coast Electric Fleets pledge, committing to at least 3 percent of all new passenger car replacement purchases to be zero-emission vehicles.

Bring Your Own Bag Ordinance Takes Effect
After a year of community outreach and education efforts, Tacoma City Council adopted the Bring Your Own Bag Ordinance in 2016 which regulated the use of plastic checkout bags in Tacoma. Washington state later passed a state-wide plastic bag ban, which went into effect in 2021.


Tacoma Joins Puget Sound Regional Climate Preparedness Collaborative
In 2017, City Council adopted Resolution No. 39880, confirming the City’s commitment to participate in forming the Puget Sound Regional Climate Preparedness Collaborative for the purpose of preparing for climate impacts to the City and Central Puget Sound region.

Environmental Action Plan Adopted by City Council
In 2016, the Tacoma City Council adopted Resolution No. 39427, endorsing a comprehensive Environmental Action Plan that includes specific, prioritized actions needed to implement the City of Tacoma's environmental policies and goals through 2020. This Plan was the result of collaborative planning across city departments, a steering committee and input from the general public.

Tacoma One of Two Communities to Receive NOAA Grant
Tacoma is one of two communities selected to receive a National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) grant to participate in Washington’s Regional Coastal Resilience Project (WCRP), a three-year effort to address coastal hazards by coordinating our state investment in coastal management and communicating sea level rise risk.


2016 Greenhouse Gas Inventory
The 2016 Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Inventory presents the City’s estimates of GHG emissions both graphically and in a narrative context. As indicated in years past, on-road transportation accounted for the most GHG emissiCUWons and continues to grow.

Tacoma's Green Living Map Wins International Award
Esri, the worldwide leader in geographic information systems, awarded Tacoma honorable mention in their 2014 Storytelling with Maps Contest for our Green Living Map.

OEPS Receives E3 Green Apple Award
The City of Tacoma Office of Environmental Policy and Sustainability has received the Government Agency 2014 E3 Green Apple Award for outstanding work providing and supporting environmental, sustainability, and systems learning opportunities.


Tacoma Becomes First STAR-Certified Community
Tacoma is the first of 30 pilot communities to submit and receive STAR certification, the first national community livability and sustainability rating system. Tacoma received a rating of four out of five stars, performing particularly well in the built environment; climate and energy; education, arts and community; and natural systems categories. Visit STAR Communities to see how Tacoma scored.

Greenhouse Gas Emissions Update

The City of Tacoma has released a new Greenhouse Gas Emissions Update Report of 2012 data. This report identified transportation fuels, the built environment, and wastewater treatment as the primary sources of greenhouse gas emission in Tacoma. The report is available to read on the Climate Action Plan page.

Tacoma Awarded Bronze Level Bike-Friendly Community Status

In May 2012, the City of Tacoma was awarded Bronze Level Bicycle Friendly status by the League of American Bicyclists for the City's accomplishments in increasing bikeways infrastructure, educational programs, and engineering and design of facilities. The City will continue to make strides in improving and enhancing bikeways and work toward Gold.


Beyond Waste - TEDx Presentation
Kristin Lynett, manager of Tacoma’s Office of Sustainability, talked about the need to stop generating waste and some of the City's sustainability accomplishments at the 2012 TEDx event in Tacoma. You can watch her full presentation online. TEDx events are independently organized events; TED is a nonprofit organization devoted to Ideas Worth Spreading.


Tacoma's National Award of Excellence for Sustainable Community Development
The City of Tacoma and Tacoma Housing Authority won a national Award of Excellence for Sustainable Community Development from The Home Depot Foundation in 2010. View the video on YouTube. 



Contact IconThe Office of Environmental Policy and Sustainability (OEPS) is made up of a dedicated staff of sustainability professionals from a wide range of backgrounds and experience. Click here to meet the OEPS Team. If you're interested in having a member of the OEPS team speak to your group, meeting, or event, feel free to get in touch!

For questions about any of our programs, policies, or for questions about environmental sustainability efforts in Tacoma, contact us at (253) 213-2443 or sustainability@cityoftacoma.org.


Contact Us

(253) 591-5172

Email OEPS



326 East D Street

Tacoma, WA 98421

(Working Remotely) 




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