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Tacoma’s Mayor and Deputy Mayor Host Whiffle Ball Game as Part of Major League Baseball’s ‘Play Ball’ Initiative

Tacoma’s Mayor and Deputy Mayor Host Whiffle Ball Game as Part of Major League Baseball’s ‘Play Ball’ Initiative

Aug. 21, 2015

Brad Forbes, Office of Mayor Marilyn Strickland, bforbes@cityoftacoma.org, (253) 591-5166

Tacoma’s Mayor and Deputy Mayor Host Whiffle Ball Game

as Part of Major League Baseball’s ‘Play Ball’ Initiative

Mayor Marilyn Strickland and Deputy Mayor David Boe will host a team of elementary school students in a whiffle ball game on Aug. 24, at 6 p.m. before the Rainiers game in Cheney Stadium, as part of Major League Baseball’s “Play Ball” initiative. 

“The ‘Play Ball’ Initiative encourages our young people to get outdoors and enjoy America’s pastime, while learning the value of teamwork,” said Strickland. “I am proud that Tacoma, home to our wonderful Rainiers, is taking part in this initiative.” 

“Summer is not complete without getting together a community of friends and neighbors for a good game of whiffle ball on a beautiful late summer evening,” added Boe. 

The initiative, which has earned the support of 132 other cities across the country, encourages broader public interest and participation in the sport. 

For more information on the “Play Ball” Initiative, please visit usmayors.org.

