Port of Tacoma Road Update - Feb. 10
The Port of Tacoma Road reconstruction project is nearly complete.
The contractor poured the final section of concrete at the intersection at East 11th Street and Port of Tacoma Road Tuesday. The intersection is expected to be fully open by Friday.
The completion of the intersection marks the end of major construction on the roadway.
Expect occasional lane closures through the end of the month as the contractor completes final work, including transitions from the concrete road surface to the asphalt on side streets. The contractor will return in the spring to complete permanent striping.
Truck staging this week and following the project’s completion will be:
Husky trucks: Stage on Port of Tacoma Road
OCT trucks: Use the Overflow and East 11th Street staging areas
Westwood trucks: Beginning Wednesday, Feb. 17, return to staging on Port of Tacoma Road.
Thank you for your patience and understanding during the reconstruction of this key freight route in and out of the port industrial area.