DRA Recorded in December 2015
The Development Regulation Agreement (DRA) between the City
of Tacoma and Metro Parks Tacoma (MPT) to facilitate improvements to Point Defiance
Park was recorded in December 2015. MPT will submit the required building and associated permit applications as projects under the DRA are ready for submittal.
DRA, the Destination Point Defiance Master Plan, associated documents, background information and a link to MPT’s website for current updates are included under
the Milestone Documents and Helpful Links section below.
DRA Application - Point Defiance Park
The MPT submitted a DRA application on December 30, 2014, as part of its Master Planning process for Point Defiance Park. The MPT and its consultants have been meeting with staff from the City of Tacoma General Government, Tacoma Public Utilities, the City of Ruston, the Puyallup Tribe, Tacoma Public Schools, the Point Defiance Zoo and Aquarium, the Tacoma Yacht Club, the Breakwater Marina and Washington State and Federal Agencies to create the framework for the DRA. The City of Tacoma will be the Lead Agency for the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) review and separate Shoreline Permits will be required for those projects under the jurisdiction of the City’s Shoreline Master Program and Code.
What is DRA and how does it work?
The City Council adopted Amended Ordinance No. 28277 on March 2, 2010, creating a new planning tool within the Land Use Regulatory Code to allow for DRA. Under the DRA Code, the City may enter into a voluntary, legally binding agreement with a public or private developer that will not only advance the City Comprehensive Plan’s goals and policies, but also allow for flexibility in the application of City code, manuals and standards to create a coordinated and managed development strategy for certain major projects.
Under specific criteria, a DRA application may be applied for projects located within the following areas:
- The International Financial Services Area (IFSA)
- Public projects within the Downtown Regional Growth Center
- Projects located within the Downtown Regional Growth Center with a historic structure or a structure that is directly associated with and supports the preservation of an adjacent historic structure as certified by the City's Landmarks Preservation Commission
- On a public facility site that is at least five acres in size and is not a public utility site
Milestone Documents and Helpful Links
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