March 9, 2020
Tanisha Jumper, Media and Communications, tjumper@cityoftacoma.org, (253) 591-5152
Megan Snow, Media and Communications, msnow@cityoftacoma.org, (253) 591-5051
City of Tacoma Continues to Support Coordinated Community Response to COVID-19
--South Sound Sustainability Expo on March 14 and T-Town City Services Expo on March 28 to be Rescheduled--
TACOMA, Wash. – Over the weekend, our partners at Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department shared that additional Pierce County residents have received presumed positive test results for COVID-19.
I recognize that this is a stressful time for many, and I want to reassure our community that their health, as well as the health of our employees at the City of Tacoma, remain a top priority. The City proactively plans for a wide range of incidents and scenarios to ensure continuity of services for customers and community members, and we are taking thoughtful steps to stop the spread of this virus as we continue to coordinate with our local, state and federal partners.
As part of the City’s efforts to help prevent community spread of the virus, we are evaluating City-sponsored events scheduled for March.
At this time, out of an abundance of caution and in recognition of community concerns, we have decided to reschedule the South Sound Sustainability Expo that was to take place on Saturday, March 14 as well as the T-Town City Services Expo that was to take place on Saturday, March 28. I want to acknowledge all the hard work that went into putting these events together. Staff is working to reschedule these events, to help ensure improved community engagement and attendance.
As we navigate as a community – and as a nation – through this difficult time, it is more important than ever to care for ourselves as well as one another. Facts – not fear – should drive all of our actions.
As the situation evolves, please check the City’s “What’s Going On” section of the website for the most up-to-date information about the City’s response. For more information about COVID-19, go to TPCHD.org/coronavirus.