Customer and staff safety concerns were the primary project motivators. The Scale House intersection at the Solid Waste Management (SWM) facility had a high volume of vehicle and pedestrian traffic moving in several directions - confusing drivers and creating increased potential for accidents.
Additionally, the employee parking lot adjacent to the intersection is built on top of a portion of the City’s decommissioned landfill. Due to ground settling over time, the parking lot no longer provided adequate storm drainage. This led to puddling and ice in the winter, creating a hazard to employees and visitors.
By eliminating several dangerous entrances and exits, newer and safer vehicle routes were created. A stormwater bioretention swale was installed near the parking lot, which allowed for safer redirects of traffic flow and reduced stormwater pollution concerns. New flashing crosswalk beacons were put in place and parking lot lights were installed to increase pedestrian visibility.
Other improvements include new turnaround roads and traffic redirects, as well as installation of several electric vehicle charging stations for both public and employee use.
Read more about the Solid Waste Management Drainage & Traffic Safety Improvements