The City of Tacoma values a close relationship with its community members. That relationship is essential in creating fair, responsive, and cost-effective Environmental Services utility rates and programs.
The Environmental Services Commission (ESC) was created to review and make recommendations to the City Council, City Manager, and City staff on wastewater, stormwater, and solid waste rates and rate structures as well as advise the Environmental Services director on services, policies, and programs developed by Environmental Services.
The ESC’s 15 members represent a cross-section of Tacoma’s residential, business and regulatory communities. The commission has 13 voting members and two ex-officio non-voting members, all appointed by the city manager. Membership includes representatives from large and small businesses, developers, governmental entities, multifamily residents, single-family residents, regulatory agencies, and other groups.
Positions on the ESC are currently available for representatives of:
- Position #4 Commercial/Business Association
- Position #8 Multi-family Residential Interests
- Position #11 Residential Interests (District Rep)
- Position #14 Regulatory Agency/non-voting
Apply now by completing the Environmental Services Commission application
and returning it
Verbal Public Comment
The public comment period is reserved for items on the current agenda only. Comments will be limited to the amount of time announced by the chair, presiding officer, or staff liaison, no more than five minutes per person per meeting.
Speakers may address the Environmental Service Commission once during the public comment period. The chair, presiding officer, or staff liaison will provide instructions about how to request to speak during public comment.
Those attending in person will sign in at the back of the meeting room; those attending remotely will click the ‘Raise Hand’ button or *9 on their phone. The speaker’s name or the last four digits of their phone number will be called out when it is their turn to speak. When it is your turn to speak, please identify yourself and topic(s) on the agenda you will address for the public record. Please address all remarks to the Environmental Services Commission as a whole. You also may provide written comments by following the instructions below.
Written Public Comment
Only written comments will be accepted for items on the agenda. Your comments may be submitted to before 12 PM prior to that evening's meeting.
Comments will be compiled and sent to the commissioners and posted as public record on the ESC web page. Please note the posted comments are not edited and will include all content and information submitted, which, for comments submitted as email, will include the email address from which it was sent.
Agendas and Presentations