Show Some Love. Check Your Speed.

Thank you for your support of the "Show Some Love. Check Your Speed." campaign! The campaign is on-hold as we prepare for the next phase of outreach associated with the new speed limits.
Help Eliminate Traffic Deaths and Injuries
Driving the speed limit protects our community and your loved ones. Almost 80 people are killed or seriously injured in traffic crashes each year in Tacoma—that’s one person every five days. With your help, we can reduce that number to zero:
Be a role model! When you drive 20 MPH neighborhood streets and around schools, you set the example for others. Thank you for showing some love and respect to those around you - whether you know them or not, you are helping to keep them safe.
About this Campaign
As a part of the City of Tacoma's Safe Routes to School and Vision Zero efforts, the City worked with community members to educate each other about safe driving. These programs also work on planning and constructing physical improvements, like sidewalks, curb ramps, and crosswalks.
The City of Tacoma's Safe Routes to School team won a grant from the Washington Traffic Safety Commission to create this Driver Safety Campaign. The focus of this campaign was to encourage slowing down and driving the speed limit. The campaign focused on three communities in Tacoma: Lincoln International District, the 6th Ave Business District, and the Fern Hill neighborhood.
We have places to go, people to see, and things to get done - whether we are walking, rolling, or driving. Let's show each other some love and check our speeds. Drive 20 Miles Per Hour (MPH) in neighborhoods across Tacoma.