Overall, the public will witness a coordinated effort by City crews to repair defective pavement and improve the condition of the roadways.
Work Crew: Street Operations Staff will be mobilizing for these projects each day, setting up traffic control, preparing the site, removing the asphalt, and paving the same day. It is referred to as “grind and pave.”
Construction Vehicles: Crews will be using standard construction equipment geared towards asphalt paving, such as dump trucks, self-loading milling machines, skid steer loaders, asphalt paving machines, and rollers.
Traffic Control: In some cases, traffic may be diverted or temporarily halted to ensure the safety of both workers and the travelling public. Traffic cones, signs, and flaggers may be present to guide vehicles safely around the work area. When roadways need to be closed, detours will be used to direct the traveling public.
Materials: Crews will either remove and dispose of the asphalt grindings at a local disposal site, or if they are acceptable, they may be used for the production of future asphalt for future projects. Crews will also purchase asphalt mix from a local vendor. All asphalt mixes will meet City of Tacoma and State of Washington material requirements.
Process: Crews will remove the distressed asphalt using their self-loading milling machine and place and compact new asphalt. If lane striping is removed, crews will place temporary striping, and then once the asphalt cools, our striping crew will return to install the permanent lane striping.
Safety Measures: The crew will take safety precautions to minimize risks during the repair process. This will include public notice of the coming project, wearing personal protective equipment to be visible to the traveling public, traffic control, and following established safety protocols.