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Residential Infill Pilot Program

UPDATE: The Residential Infill Pilot Program will no longer be active as of December 2, 2024.


The Residential Infill Pilot Program (RIPP) was repealed on November 19, 2024, when the City Council approved the Home in Tacoma code amendment package (Amended Substitute Ordinance No. 28986). While the vast majority of the Home in Tacoma amendments will not go into effect until February 1, 2025, the RIPP repeal is effective December 2, 2024. This means in order to submit a RIPP application, all necessary application materials must be submitted and fees paid, constituting a COMPLETE application, by December 1, 2024.




The intent of the Residential Infill Pilot Program (RIPP) is to promote innovative residential infill while ensuring that such infill demonstrates high quality building and site design that is responsive to and harmonious with neighborhood patterns and character. The City hopes to see successful and well-regarded examples of these housing types built, as a way to inform future Council decisions on Tacoma’s regulatory approach to these housing types, including Home In Tacoma.


RIPP and Home in Tacoma

The Home in Tacoma project consists of a package of zoning code amendments that will allow a range of middle housing development types to be built citywide without special review processes. The project is currently in the public review process and is expected to be completed sometime in 2024. The Home in Tacoma amendments will largely render the RIPP unnecessary, and the program is expected to be retired once they go into effect. However, the date at which applications will no longer be accepted remains to be determined at this time. For more information about the Home in Tacoma project and its current status, please visit the project webpage here.


Program Overview

The RIPP permits four different housing types: Two-Family, Small Multi-Family, Cottage, and Planned Infill. A maximum of six developments for each of the housing types are permitted within each of the City’s five Council Districts for a maximum 120 developments possible citywide. A table indicating how many slots remain for each housing type and Council District is provided below.


Development proposals require a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) application and approval.

RIPP applications also require input from an Advisory Review Board, which provides advisory comments to the Director prior to the final decision.


In addition to satisfying general CUP criteria, developments must demonstrate the following specific RIPP criteria:

  • Responsiveness to existing neighborhood patterns
  • Pedestrian-friendly design
  • De-emphasized parking
  • Sensitivity to changes in scale
  • Provision of usable outdoor space
  • Sustainability features (Multi-Family and Cottage only)

More information about these criteria is provided in the RIPP Handbook.


Housing Types Permitted

Below are overviews of the four different types of housing permitted through the RIPP along with some notable development standards for each. See the RIPP Handbook (linked below) for more detailed information.


Two-Family Housing

Two-family Housing allows the development of either a duplex (two dwelling units in a single building) or two townhouses (attached one dwelling buildings) on a single development site – though townhouses are ultimately divided into separate lots.


Development standards include:

  • Eligible Zones: R-2
  • Minimum Lot Size: 6,000 sq. ft.
  • Each unit is directly accessed from the street
  • Allowance to convert an existing single-family home


Small Multi-Family Housing

Small Multi-Family Housing allows up to six dwellings to be developed on a single development site. These typically consist of a single building but could be arranged to include multiple buildings so long as the development criteria are met. Development within the R-2 zone are limited to conversions of existing structures.


Development standards include:

  • Eligible Zones: R-2, R-3
  • Minimum Lot Size: 7,000 sq. ft.
  • Buildings are designed to minimize bulk and scale to fit with established neighborhood patterns
  • Access to dwellings is provided through a shared primary entrance
  • Parking is located at the rear of the site and view from the street is obscured


Cottage Housing

Cottage Housing consists of a grouping of small dwellings clustered around a common open space area. This type of housing provides a number of benefits including: expanded housing choice that responds to changing needs and lifestyles of Tacoma residents, introduces additional density in a manner that is highly compatible with single-family housing neighborhoods, better utilizes existing infrastructure, and supports nearby community and commercial services.


Development standards include:

  • Eligible Zones: All Residential Zones (except HMR-SRD)
  • Minimum Lot Size: 7,000 sq. ft.
  • Maximum number of units is double the base zone’s density (max. 24 units)
  • Allows for a variety of housing types from single to three-unit buildings
  • Common open space size based on the number of units


Planned Infill Housing

Planned Infill Housing is a flexible, density-based type of development. It allows a wide range of housing types and arrangements so long as it conforms to the site’s One Tacoma Comprehensive Plan land use designation density range. It is the most flexible of the housing types and promotes creative approaches to housing development while ensuring the project is responsive to specific site conditions and compatible with the surrounding area.


Development standards include:

  • Eligible Zones: All Residential Zones (except HMR-SRD)
  • Minimum Lot Size: R-3 - 3,500 sq. ft.; Other Residential Zones – 7,000 sq. ft.
  • Determining the maximum number of units uses a weighted calculation that encourages more affordable housing types such as attached units and ADUs
  • Allows for a variety of housing types including single unit detached, duplex, townhouses, small multifamily, and ADUs
  • Buildings are oriented to the street
  • Parking is located at the rear of the site and view from the street is obscured
RIPP Table


Map of Council Districts


Project Resources

Active Applications

Application Number: LU24-0015

Applicant: Mikhail Kristev

Address: 719 S Huson St

Council District: 3

Infill Housing Type: Planned Infill

Proposal: Residential Infill Conditional Use Permit application for a Planned Infill Housing development consisting of 11 dwelling units within three buildings on a 0.76 acre site.

Status: Awaiting Revisions, Pending Decision


Application Number: LU24-0064

Applicant: Weddermann Architecture

Address: 6645 S Prospect St

Council District: 5

Infill Housing Type: Planned Infill

Proposal: Residential Infill Conditional Use Permit application for a Planned Infill Housing development consisting of eight dwelling units within eight single-unit buildings on a 0.31 acre site.

Status: Public Notice, Pending Decision


Application Number: LU24-0078

Applicant: John R. Leuck

Address: 9501 E B St

Council District: 5

Infill Housing Type: N/A – Affordable Housing

Proposal: Affordable Housing Conditional Use Permit application for a development consisting of a 52 unit independent living multifamily building on a 2 acre site.

Status: Public Notice, Pending Decision



To view a public notice and permit attachments:
Search Accela directly. If you know the permit number, you may access the documents at
https://aca-prod.accela.com/TACOMA/Default.aspx, by putting the permit number in the search field. You do not need an account to use the search feature. Once the permit opens, the attachments are linked under the “record info” tab.


If you need additional information about a project please contact the Land Use Service Desk at 253-591-5030 / zoning@cityoftacoma.org.

Past Applications

Application Number: LU23-0232

Applicant: Jill Sousa

Address: 1419 S Stevens St

Council District: 3

Infill Housing Type: Two Family

Proposal: Residential Infill Conditional Use Permit application for a Two Family Housing development consisting of two new one-unit dwellings on a lot with an existing ADU (to remain).

Status: Approved


Application Number: LU23-0194

Applicant: James Guerrero

Address: 407 S 82nd St

Council District: 5

Infill Housing Type: Planned Infill

Proposal: Residential Infill Conditional Use Permit application for a Planned Infill Housing development consisting of one four-unit, three-story building.

Status: Approved


Application Number: LU23-0168

Applicant: Ben Walker

Address: 228 E 72nd St

Council District: 5

Infill Housing Type: Planned Infill

Proposal: Residential Infill Conditional Use Permit application for a Planned Infill Housing development consisting of 10 townhouse units within three buildings.

Status: Approved


Application Number: LU23-0158

Applicant: Melissa Maddux Renner

Address: 2320 S M St

Council District: 3

Infill Housing Type: Two Family

Proposal: Residential Infill Conditional Use Permit application for a Two Family Housing development consisting of one new single-unit house on a lot with an existing house (to remain).

Status: Approved


Application Number: LU23-0139

Applicant: Louis Rudolph Homes

Address: 1701 S L St

Council District: 3

Infill Housing Type: Planned Infill

Proposal: Residential Infill Conditional Use Permit application for a Planned Infill Housing development consisting of seven new townhouse units within two buildings on lots with three existing houses (to remain).

Status: Approved


Application Number: LU23-0117

Applicant: WC Studio Architects

Address: 3222 N 9th St

Council District: 2

Infill Housing Type: Two Family

Proposal: Residential Infill Conditional Use Permit application for a Two Family Housing development consisting of a conversion of an existing single-unit house into a two-unit house w/ attached ADU.

Status: Approved


Application Number: LU23-0063

Applicant: Robert Young

Address: 6701 S Monroe St

Council District: 5

Infill Housing Type: Planned Infill

Proposal: Residential Infill Conditional Use Permit application for a Planned Infill Housing development consisting of eight townhouse units in a single building.

Status: Approved


Application Number: LU23-0056

Applicant: Gary Meath

Address: 6444 S Verde St.

Council District: 5

Infill Housing Type: Planned Infill

Proposal: Residential Infill Conditional Use Permit application for a Planned Infill Housing development consisting of two new two-family dwellings on a vacant lot.

Status: Approved


Application Number: LU22-0261

Applicant: CJK Homes

Address: 7820 S Sheridan Ave

Council District: 5

Infill Housing Type: Two Family

Proposal: Residential Infill Conditional Use Permit application for a Two Family Housing development consisting of a new two-family dwelling on a vacant lot.

Status: Approved


Application Number: LU22-0247

Applicant: David White, IHB Architects

Address: 4014 S. Pacific Ave.

Council District: 4

Infill Housing Type: Planned Infill

Proposal: Residential Infill Conditional Use Permit application for a Planned Infill Housing development consisting of a ten (10) unit multi-family dwelling on a lot with an existing single-family detached dwelling.

Status: Approved


Application Number: LU22-0169

Applicant: Ralph Cook

Address: 8616 S. Fawcett Ave.

Council District: 5

Infill Housing Type: Two Family

Proposal: Residential Infill Conditional Use Permit application for a Two Family Housing development consisting of a new two-family dwelling on a lot with one existing accessory garage structure.

Status: Approved


Application Number: LU22-0160

Applicant: RaShelle Davis

Address: 2124 N 27th St.

Council District: 2

Infill Housing Type: Planned Infill

Proposal: Residential Infill Conditional Use Permit application for a Planned Infill Housing development consisting of a new single detached unit on a lot with one existing single-family detached dwelling.

Status: Approved


Application Number: LU22-0073

Applicant: CJK Homes

Address: 1301 & 1305 E. 66th St.

Council District: 4

Infill Housing Type: Two Family

Proposal: Residential Infill Conditional Use Permit application for a Two-Family Housing development consisting of a two two-family dwellings on two vacant lots.

Status: Approved


Application Number: LU22-0022


Address: 3612 S. Mason Ave

Council District: 3

Infill Housing Type: Planned Infill

Proposal: Residential Infill Conditional Use Permit application for a Planned Infill Housing development consisting of a four (4) unit multi-family dwelling on a lot with an existing single-family dwelling.

Status: Approved


Application Number: LU22-0021


Address: 1838 E Morton St

Council District: 4

Infill Housing Type: Two Family

Proposal: Residential Infill Conditional Use Permit application for a Two-Family Housing development consisting of two townhouse dwellings on a vacant lot.

Status: Approved


For more information, including permit attachments:
Search Accela directly. If you know the permit number, you may access the documents at
https://aca-prod.accela.com/TACOMA/Default.aspx, by putting the permit number in the search field. You do not need an account to use the search feature. Once the permit opens, the attachments are linked under the “record info” tab.


If you need additional information about a project please contact the Land Use Service Desk at 253-591-5030 / zoning@cityoftacoma.org.

Program Background Information

Residential Infill Pilot Program 2.0 Adopted Process

The Tacoma City Council adopted Ordinance 28695 on October 20, 2020, updating the Infill Pilot Program to:   


1. Expand Infill Housing Types:

  • Add Planned Infill Housing category (previously referred to as density-based)
  • Increase the number of each housing type allowed through the program

2. Modify design requirements and other standards:

  •  Allow Cottage Housing in rear yards when an alley is present
  • Increase flexibility for the two-family housing type by removing the requirement to be on a corner lot, and to present the general appearance of a detached single-family dwelling
  • Increase emphasis on qualitative design review of all categories
  • Other changes for improved design outcomes, program clarity and consistency with Building Code
  • Remove parking requirement for projects reviewed by the Infill Pilot Program

3. Streamline the permit process

  • Integrate the Infill Pilot Program review process into the Conditional Use Permit process (rather than requiring both separately)
  • Update handbook to reflect changes and promote quality and performance through improved guidance.

    4. Update handbook to reflect changes and promote quality and performance through improved guidance.


    More information on Program adoption

    Infill Pilot Program Handbook 2.0


    Staff Contacts

    For questions regarding the RIPP program and the Conditional Use Permit process, please email Land Use Planning staff or call (253) 591-5030 (option 6).


    Carl Metz

    Senior Planner, Urban Design Studio

    (253) 290-3946

