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City Council Strategic Direction


We provide high-quality, innovative and cost-effective municipal services that enhance the lives of our citizens and the quality of our neighborhoods and business districts.


Tacoma is an attractive and progressive international city, regarded for the richness of its diverse population and its natural setting.

Guiding Principles

  • Integrity
  • Service
  • Excellence
  • Equity

Tacoma's Strategic Plan


Council Priorities


Community Safety

Community Safety increases positive perception of safety and overall quality of life.


Improve perceptions of safety

  • Increase the percentage of residents that feel safe
  • Decrease response times/Increase responses to 911 calls
  • Decrease in constituent complaints related to safety, including 311

Reduce the number of victims of crime

  • Reduce the number of all crimes
  •  Reduction in gun violence/ reduction of crimes involving firearms
  • Increase in effective and appropriate mental health response that result in individuals receiving services

Housing and Homelessness

Housing and Homelessness decreases the percentage of individuals who are spending more than 45% of income on housing and transportation costs.


Fewer encampments in Tacoma

  • Decrease in (visible, unsanctioned) encampments, including fewer RVs and cars
  • Establishment of designated camping areas
  • Increase the number and diversity of shelter and reduce barriers to shelter

Reduce negative impacts of encampments

  • Zero unsanctioned encampments
  • Decrease blight and environmental hazards- trash, human waste, graffiti, etc.
  • Zero homeless deaths

Increase transitional to stable housing

  • Increase in units of permanent (and transitional) supportive housing
    Increase permanently affordable housing sites, such as a Community Land Trust
    Decrease in # of people who return to being houseless after receiving services

Livable Wage Jobs

Livable wage jobs priority increases the number of diverse livable wage jobs.


Increase and improve workforce development

  • Decrease in un and under-employment
  • Increase the number of professional pipelines
  • Businesses can find local, qualified candidates

Increase the number of (livable wage) jobs in Tacoma

  • Increase the number of jobs above 80% AMI
  • Increase jobs outside of government and non-profit (increase diversity of largest job categories)

Increase the number of small businesses surviving (and thriving) through the pandemic

  • Increase the number of BIPOC businesses located in Tacoma
  • Increase the number of ongoing business licenses
  • Increase the diversity of types of small business (more industries for livable wage jobs)


Access to Facilities and Services

Access to Facilities and Services improves access and proximity by residents of diverse income levels and race/ethnicity to community facilities, services, infrastructure, and employment.


Use an equity lens to improve access from investments

  • A grocery store in every neighborhood, as well as pharmacies and other services within 10 min walking distance
  • Our Boards and Commissions represent the community
  • Parks within 10 minutes of every resident

Increase Language Access

  • Norm is set, when someone is communicating with the public it is automatically translated in whatever anyone needs (also culturally competent, including ASL)
  • Tacoma 311 is in several languages; reports can be made in other languages.

Increase access to transportation and mobility

  • We have a complete sidewalk network
  • Finishing the Safe Routes to School list
  • Fewer potholes through a standard/ consistent guarantee


Human and Environmental Health

Human and Environmental Health priority improves health outcomes and reduce disparities, in alignment with the community health needs assessment and CHIP, for all Tacoma residents.


Increase access to health opportunities and conditions

  • Life expectancy will increase until it is the same across the entire city
  • Increase the number of parks in low opportunity areas by 50%
  • Increase the percentage and number of walkable streets (complete streets so every neighborhood has the opportunity to be walkable and bikeable)

Increase access to healthy food

  • Eliminate all food deserts
  • Incentivize healthy food distribution in each district

Keeping Tacoma’s environment clean and healthy

  • Reduce constituent complaints about litter and garbage
  • Fully fund Tidy Up Tacoma
    Double the number of households using a primary mode of transportation that does not use fossil fuels
  • Commencement Bay and Tacoma lakes are swimmable

Improving mental and behavioral health outcomes

  • Healthy Youth Survey indicate a reduction in depression for youth
  • Increase the number of inpatient psychiatric beds in the City of Tacoma
  • Expand our current cohort to increase healthcare workers/ a job training pipeline for behavioral health workers

Belief and Trust

Belief and Trust increases the percentage of residents who believe they are able to have a positive impact on community and express trust in the public institutions in Tacoma.


Build trust with police and community

  • Decrease [substantiated] complaints against police department/ (Fewer negative interactions with police officers that end in a complaint)
  • Decrease in use of force incidents
  • Improve community survey response results, especially BIPOC/ Black responses
  • Increase transparency (by establishing a community safety dashboard for community members to download crime data/ accessible) Including transparency around hiring

Increase non-police presence in the community

  • Stand-up community safety responses, including alternative responses
  • Build out the rest of the crime plan for the things outside of police
  • Moving City meetings to districts throughout the City

Increase engagement with community to build belief and trust

  • Complete participatory budgeting initiatives, including increased participation, in each of the 5 Council Districts
  • Continue neighborhood planning program to achieve equity in neighborhoods and increase participation
  • Increase Council’s social media presence

Communicating more clearly and more often

  • Increase storytelling
  • Create a dashboard of initiatives
  • Responding to all constituent emails

Contact us

747 Market Street
Tacoma, WA 98402
Map and Directions

Phone: 311

Link to TacomaFIRST 311 from the City of Tacoma
