Domestic violence is a pattern of behavior used by an individual to establish and maintain power and control over another individual.
Abusive behavior can include the following:
- Physical Harm
- Threats of physical harm
- Depravation of food, sleep, money
- Intimidation with a weapon
- Forced sexual contact
- Restraining someone from leaving
- Emotional abuse
- Verbal abuse
If you, a friend or family member is a victim of domestic violence, the
Family Justice Center is here to help. You'll find all the professional support and resources you need under one roof.
Contact Information
Available Resources
- Safety Planning
- Civil and Criminal Legal Information
- Electronic Protection Order Filing
- Access to Support Groups and Counseling
- Access to Dept. of Social and Health Services
- Military Advocacy and Information
- Services available in a multitude of languages
- Sexual Assault information
- Emergency housing information
- Immigration information
- Chaplaincy services