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Operations and Maintenance Staff Best Management Practices Training

City of Tacoma Maintenance Staff - Best Management Practices Training


How We Protect our Waterways

City of Tacoma employees are leaders in our community when it comes to protecting our waterways from the potential impacts of construction, operations and maintenance work that we do every day.  The following training resources assist employees in both General Government and Tacoma Public Utilities in fulfilling the requirements of the City of Tacoma NPDES Phase I Municipal Stormwater Permit, Section S5.C.10.e


BMP Manual

A concise guide to procedures and tips to remember for preventing operation and maintenance impacts to downstream water quality and habitat are included in this City of Tacoma Utility Employee Stormwater Quality Best Management Practices Manual.


Training Resources

Ongoing training helps employees stay up to date on the current best practices for protecting water quality.  Here are the training modules available based on area of work:


O&M Staff Training – Maintenance Best Practices for Water Quality Protection

Training 1
 Introduction & Background
  • Why Our Work Matters
  • Documentation Needs
  • Regional Road Maintenance Program Basics
  • Who to Call in Case of Questions
Training 2

Wastewater and Stormwater Management

  • Ditch Maintenance
  • Pipe and Culvert Cleaning
  • Utility Dewatering
  • Utility Installation
  • Asphalt and Concrete Patching
Training 3

Water, Power, Click Utilities

  • Main Flushing
  • Utility Dewatering
  • Utility Installation
 Training 4

Streetlight/Traffic Utilities

  • Utility Dewatering
  • Utility Installation
  • Asphalt and concrete patching
 Training 5

Grounds Maintenance

  • Landscape Maintenance, Restoration and New Installation
  • Pesticides and Herbicides
  • Trash and Pet Waste Management
  • Pressure Washing/Graffiti Removal
 Training 6

Street Operations

  • Road Repair and Resurfacing
  • Pavement Striping
  • Snow and Ice Control
  • Pavement Flushing/Street Cleaning
 Training 7

Building and Facility Maintenance

  • Building and Equipment Cleaning and Maintenance
  • Remodeling Drywall Stucco and Painting
  • Dumpster Maintenance
 Training 8

Rail Operations

  • Ditch Maintenance
  • Crossing Repair and Resurfacing
Training 9

BMP How-to Basics

  • Erosion Prevention and Sediment Control Tips and Tools


Training Sign-In Sheet

Please make sure employees complete a sign-in sheet at each training, and submit directly to Human Resources, Training & Development Office by emailing them at Traindev@cityoftacoma.org.


BMP Collector App

Part of required NPDES SW Permit compliance documentation is ongoing tracking of the use of appropriate BMPs.  This tracking is required for 10-20% of all maintenance jobs using either the BMP Collector App or by sending an email.  Supervisors, leads and crew leads in each department are responsible to verify that BMPS are used and report that verification using either the BMP Collector App or by sending an email to Nathaniel Wood at nwood@cityoftacoma.org.  For questions or assistance with the BMP Collector App, please email or call Nathaniel at 253-719-3771.


If using the email option, the following information is required:


           Name of person reporting
           Division of work crew (Streets, Water, etc.)
           Date and time of report

           Location of where the work is being performed
           Type of work being performed

           Weather (PICK ONE) sunny and dry or wet
           Are BMPs in use (PICK ONE) YES or NO


           Take a picture of a BMP (optional)


Regional Road Maintenance Program (RRMP) - Endangered Species Act Guidelines

The City of Tacoma has directed General Government and Tacoma Public Utilities to participate in the Regional Road Maintenance Program (RRMP) through Council resolution. The program guidelines provide a set of road maintenance policies and practices that will meet the dual goals of contributing to the conservation of Endangered Species Act (ESA) listed species and protecting water quality meeting the goals of the NPDES Phase I Municipal Stormwater Permit. The program is a collaborative effort between local government agencies, WSDOT, NOAA's National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) and other interested parties.


The program guidelines apply to all maintenance and repair activities that:

  • Are within right of way, public easements and other locations dedicated for public use both within and outside of City of Tacoma city limits; and
  • Are conducted on currently serviceable structures, facilities and equipment to prevent a decline, lapse, or cessation in the use of structures and systems or to replace dysfunctional facilities; and
  • Involve no expansion of or change in use of such structures, facilities, and equipment; beyond those that existed previously; and
  • Do not result in significant negative hydrological impact.

Maintenance and repair also includes replacing existing structures with different types of structures, provided that replacement is either required to meet current engineering standards or required by one or more environmental permits and the functioning characteristics of the original structure are not changed.


For more information, contact Sarah Norberg at (253) 208-0536.


RRMP Related Documents

Links to the following docs are posted at http://wsgovme02/projects/ but are posted here for your convenience.


Program Guidelines Manual without Appendices

RRMF BMP Field Guide Booklet
Addendums I_II_III_with Supplemental BMPs
Tacoma RRMP Checklist Template



