Stormwater Management Program
As part of the National Pollutant Discharge Eliminations System (NPDES) Phase I Municipal Stormwater Permit, the City maintains a Stormwater Management Program Plan (SWMP). The SWMP Plan is the City’s plan for complying with the Permit that regulates the discharge of stormwater from the City's stormwater system.
Stormwater Management Program Plan 2024
The Stormwater Management Program (SWMP) Plan describes the City of Tacoma's plan for meeting Permit goals and managing stormwater in compliance with the NPDES Phase I Municipal Stormwater Permit. The SWMP Plan is updated annually.
Review and Comment on the 2025 Stormwater Management Program (SWMP) Plan
To comply with the Permit, the SWMP Plan includes a public participation process and internal review to provide valuable input and oversight to the program.
What areas of pollution public education should the City focus on?
- What pollution problems do you see in Tacoma that could be addressed through public outreach? (litter, proper pet waste disposal, over fertilization of lawns or landscaping, yard waste being swept or blown onto the street, dirty water running off private property...)
- How can City of Tacoma Environmental Services communicate with the public in the most effective way?
- Would you like more information about current City efforts to support greener and cleaner neighborhoods? How would you like that information delivered?
City of Tacoma 2025 Stormwater Management Program (SWMP) Plan
Comment on the SWMP Plan before March 25, 2025, for your comments to be considered in the final draft. Send comments via email to

The City of Tacoma is committed to reducing and ultimately eliminating the impacts of polluted stormwater on our surrounding waterbodies, but we cannot do it alone. We need the help of everyone who lives and works in Tacoma to prevent stormwater pollution and to protect Puget Sound. If you are interested in protecting the Puget Sound, please visit our Prevent Stormwater Pollution web page to generate ideas!
Department Compliance Plan Template
City of Tacoma Stormwater Management Program Goals
- Protect the health, safety and welfare of the public
- Manage stormwater to minimize flooding, erosion and contamination
- Mitigate the impacts of increased runoff from urbanization
- Manage runoff from developed properties and those under development
- Correct or mitigate existing water quality problems
- Restore and maintain the chemical, physical and biological integrity of waters in the city for the protection of beneficial uses
- Develop and put into place a cost-effective, affordable stormwater management program
- Educate the public about what they can do to help keep our waters clean
The City of Tacoma passed an ordinance that regulates surface water and wastewater within city limits to give Environmental Services the authority to comply with the NPDES permit. This ordinance, known as Chapter 12.08 of the Tacoma Municipal Code, prohibits introducing any matter except clean storm and surface water into the stormwater system.
Tacoma’s National Pollution Discharge Elimination System Permit
The Stormwater Management Program (SWMP) requirements are listed in the City of Tacoma's National Pollutant Discharge Eliminations System (NPDES) Municipal Stormwater Permit, which regulates the discharge of stormwater from the City's storm system to surface and ground waters. This program guides the storm drainage system operations of the City through the end of this NPDES permit term (August 2024).
Tacoma’s Stormwater Management Program is designed to meet the requirements set forth by the NPDES permit and contains multiple elements including storm system mapping and maintenance, permitting and inspecting new construction projects, source control inspections, spill response, illicit discharge investigations, and public education.
For more information about the NPDES permit program or our compliance with it, please call Stormwater Management at (253) 591-5588.
NPDES Municipal Stormwater Permit Annual Report
The City of Tacoma reports annually on the NPDES Municipal Stormwater Permit related activities to the Washington State Department of Ecology. The annual report for the previous calendar year is submitted to Ecology on March 31 each year. The current report is as follows:
Past SWMPs
City of Tacoma 2024 Stormwater Management Program (SWMP) Plan - Print Version