Outreach and Public Involvement
The City opened the Lincoln District Project Office to facilitate community engagement throughout the course of the Lincoln District Revitalization Project. City staff working on infrastructure improvements, economic development and public art programs, neighborhood beautification and human services initiatives will use the project office to engage with the Lincoln community.
Public Open Houses
August 30, 2017
Come hear about Lincoln Streetscape progress and updates, and provide input on the latest streetscape designs for Yakima Avenue at a open house on Wednesday, August 30, 2017 from 4-6 PM. The open house will be at the Lincoln Project Office at 750 South 38th Street in Tacoma.
June 7, 2017
Residents, employees and businesses are invited to a pre-construction open house and informational meeting from 3 PM to 7 PM on Wednesday, June 7. This event is hosted by the City of Tacoma to allow attendees to view conceptual designs and learn more about the construction timeline. The open house will be at the Lincoln Project Office.
March 29, 2017
The City of Tacoma recently hosted a community open house to update residents and business owners on the Lincoln District Revitalization Project, and to provide them with an opportunity to see the latest streetscape design, give feedback on welcome sign designs and learn about other things happening around the neighborhood. Presentation highlights included:
- Background information on the Lincoln District Revitalization Project, including the declaration of the Lincoln District as the City’s first revitalization area and the opening of a City of Tacoma district project office staffed by various City departments as well as a full-time bilingual staff member dedicated to the diverse needs of the Lincoln District
- Prioritization of work conducted with property owners to help them improve upkeep of their properties
- Updates on new private investment that has started, with several projects in the works
- New businesses that have opened
- Tacoma Power's installation of new, taller power poles to reduce visual clutter and make way for future development (and the removal of the older, shorter poles)
- Housing stability programs that have been focused on the Lincoln District area, including major and minor home repairs, and homes acquired that are being upgraded and resold to income-qualified buyers
- A home ownership seminar conducted recently in the Lincoln District Project Office
Preliminary information on Rebuilding Day to be held in the Lincoln District again this year
- Increased Police bike and foot patrols
Installation of 150 smoke alarms to residences, after the canvassing of 85 blocks by the Tacoma Fire Department and the Red Cross
- Door-to-door outreach to 1,200 homes through the Healthy Homes Healthy Neighborhoods program, increasing neighborhood engagement
- Art components in the project, to include public art and public engagement
- Artwork designed to mitigate the impacts of construction
- Pop-up art projects that have been funded
- Monthly e-newsletter with a subscriber base of more than 500 and rising
- New location for community garden
- Revival of Lunar New Year Festival and the Lincoln International Festival
December 10, 2015
An open house was held at the Lincoln District Project Office. Attendees were able to view and comment on plans for the South 38th Streetscape Project, and staff presented the latest design for the project while requesting feedback from the community. An extensive public outreach process has been underway to ensure local business and property owners, as well as neighbors, have a voice in the design of this project.
August 20, 2015
The Lincoln Neighborhood Revitalization Project Open House was held at the Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department Auditorium. This event gave residents a chance to hear about neighborhood revitalization initiatives and give public comment on the streetscape design.View the presentation.
June 25, 2015
Two public open house meetings were held at Jubilee Restaurant in the Lincoln International Business District.
Lincoln District Project Office
Location and Hours
750 S. 38th Street, Suite C
Tacoma, WA 98418
Monday - Friday, 8 AM - 5 PM
(253) 591-5174