Bridge Industrial Project: Quick FAQ – UPDATED November 2024
November 21, 2024
Bridge Industrial Project Summary
The Bridge Industrial Project is a large development project currently in the first phases of construction on roughly 150 acres on the former BNSF rail maintenance site in South Tacoma. The land was previously undeveloped space that lies just south of the Nalley Valley industrial/ commercial zone between South Tyler Street and Sound Transit’s Sounder commuter rail line, and the land is zoned for industrial development. The development will create about 2.5 million square feet of light industrial and warehouse space in four large buildings.
*NEW – November 21, 2024
The Washington State Department of Ecology announced a settlement agreement with the project developer, Bridge Point Tacoma. The developer has paid the Department of Ecology $8.95 million for neighborhood mitigation projects to help reduce air quality impacts from increased truck traffic and emissions associated with the warehouse project.
In the coming months, the Department of Ecology will work with local residents to start gathering community input about how the settlement funds should be used to best address air quality and traffic impacts.

Project Status Update – November 2024
Project developers first applied for permits in mid-2021, and the public review process began in early 2022. A permit decision on April 21, 2023 was appealed to the City’s Hearing Examiner, who upheld the decision on October 5, 2023, determining that the proposal was compliant and could proceed as long as multiple conditions were applied to the project.
Initial site work began in early March of 2024, including setting up erosion control and wetland protection, with grading, filling, utility installation, and paving work coming soon after.
Initial building (foundation) permits were issued in August, 2024, and the buildings are underway. Construction and inspections are ongoing.
- Spring 2024: site preparation—grading and filling (depending on permit issuance schedule)
- Spring-Summer 2024: civil work—soil compaction, finished grading, utilities and paving. Civil work will take several months, and building foundation work may happen at the same time.
- Summer/Fall 2024: Building construction begins.
- Late 2025 (estimated): Planting work, including wetland restoration, will be in the last phases of construction.
Q: Who is getting this settlement money and who will manage it?
Settlement funds have been paid to the Washington State Department of Ecology (Ecology) as of November 21, 2024. While the work of implementing the settlement agreement and developing and executing the mitigation projects will be completed by Ecology, they have indicated they will coordinate with other agencies with expertise, including the City, in conducting community outreach.
To learn more about Ecology’s authority for stormwater permits for construction and the settlement agreement with Bridge Point Tacoma, go to the Department of Ecology’s Bridge Point Development Project web page at Bridge Point Tacoma permit and resolution - Washington State Department of Ecology.
Q: What is the City’s role going to be in process for deciding on mitigation projects and implementing them?
The funding is with Ecology, and Ecology staff will make the determination about how to utilize the funds in compliance with the settlement agreement. Again, Ecology indicated they will coordinate with the City and other agencies in conducting community outreach, but City staff will only have a supporting consultation role and will not be leading this process.
Q: Why didn’t the City pursue this settlement in the City permit review process?
Ecology utilized its authority under stormwater permitting to place conditions on the project related to air quality and transportation. These conditions were appealed by the developer, Bridge Point Tacoma. The settlement agreement announced on November 21 resolves that appeal.
Q: How does Ecology’s settlement agreement and the work they will do in the coming months relate to the work the City is currently doing on the South Tacoma Groundwater Protection District?
The geographic areas may overlap somewhat, and to the extent that the work is complementary, the City will coordinate and collaborate with Ecology. However, the distribution of the settlement agreement funds and program management is Ecology’s responsibility.
Q: If Ecology plans to do community engagement for the settlement agreement, what kind of engagement or public comment opportunities will community members have regarding the City’s South Tacoma Groundwater Protection District process?
There is currently a moratorium on certain industrial uses within the South Tacoma Groundwater Protection District area. The moratorium includes restrictions on underground storage tanks, metal recycling and auto wrecking facilities. The City Council implemented this moratorium in order to conduct a thorough zoning review to analyze the potential impacts that additional industrial development could have on groundwater infiltration in the area. Part of that review and analysis is an ongoing collaboration with Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department to conduct a Health Impact Assessment (HIA) within the district.
In winter and spring 2025, there will be numerous public meetings that will include public comment or public engagement opportunities. To learn more about the project, future public meeting announcements, and to sign up for email project updates, go to
Q: Will the City do additional permit reviews as construction proceeds?
Yes, the City of Tacoma is currently reviewing additional development permit applications from the developer, Bridge Point Tacoma:
- A north-south through road (with sidewalk) will connect through TPU property to South 35th Street.
- The stream and biodiversity area on the site will be protected and restored as part of the project.
Prior to approval of development permits, the applicant was required to complete the associated environmental review in compliance with the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA), and complete a Critical Areas Permit related to the wetland and forested area on the western portion of the site. All permits are being reviewed in compliance with the associated Critical Areas Permit and Environmental Review.
Q: What conditions did the City place on the permit for this project?
Based on information gathered in its SEPA review, the City placed conditions on the permit. These conditions must be related to the environmental impact of a project and meet the requirements of Washington state law. In this case, the City placed conditions on the permit relating to air quality and greenhouse gases; urban forestry and vegetation; environmental health; and traffic condition monitoring, intersection modifications, new signals, street connections and sections.
Now that construction has begun, the City continues to inspect and monitor the construction process to confirm that the developer complies with these permit conditions.
Want more info? More project information and background, links to resources, and additional FAQ topics are covered in depth on the City’s Bridge Industrial project webpage at