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About LEAP

LEAP Creates Real Opportunities for Dedicated Workers 

As a tool to tackle unemployment in Tacoma, the City Council and Public Utility Board developed the Local Employment and Apprenticeship Program (LEAP) in March 1997. Since its inception, LEAP's purpose has been to level the playing field for citizens seeking employment opportunities. The program is helping more workers get family wage jobs. 
Completed LEAP Projects

LEAP Advisory Committee

The Local Employment and Apprenticeship Program (LEAP) Advisory Committee (LAC)  was also established by Council resolution in 1997 to review the LEAP Program and recommend policy changes as appropriate. Voting members are appointed by the City Manager and the Director of Public Utilities. They represent the constituency groups of residents of Tacoma, construction companies doing business with Tacoma, members of Organized Labor, Community-Based Organizations, City Staff, and educational institutions. To be considered for appointment to the committee as a voting member, fill out, download, and email an application to leap@cityoftacoma.org.

The LAC meets quarterly to monitor program performance to provide oversight on an ongoing basis and is governed with bylaws that were initially adopted in 2012. The meetings are open to the public and are held virtually from 7:30 to 9:30 AM on the fourth Thursday of January, April, July, and October.


LEAP's Mission

To provide residents of Tacoma, or residents of economically distressed areas of the Tacoma Public Utilities service areas, with training and support services necessary to complete apprenticeship requirements which lead to family-wage jobs in the building and construction trades.

LEAP aims to level the playing field with training, resources and employment opportunities so that more citizens can earn better wages.

Learn more about LEAP.
