The Animal Control and Compliance Officers of the City of Tacoma respond to calls and complaints within the city's limits. For emergencies, stray animals or humans that are in imminent danger, call 911.
Lost Animals
If you suspect neglect of a pet that is causing suffering, collect pertinent information such as the person's name, address, phone, description of the animal(s), a brief history of the situation and any other specifics such as the exact location where the animal(s) can be found. Then call The City of Tacoma Animal Control to report it at (253) 627-7387. If you are witnessing deliberate cruelty causing severe injury or death to an animal, call 911 and request police intervention. Physical observations to look for:
Unless specifically designated in Chapter 17.02.160 Violations - Civil Infraction as a gross misdemeanor or misdemeanor or is specified to be enforced pursuant to other law including, but not limited to, other chapters or titles of this Code, any violation of Title 17 is a violation and shall constitute a Class 1 infraction, not to exceed $250, not including statutory assessments.
Such penalty is in addition to any other remedies or penalties specifically provided by law. For each act herein prohibited of a continuing nature, each day shall be considered a separate offense.